Dragon In The Woods

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[A/N: Dilumi encounter a stranger and a dragon in the woods on their return back from the inlet. Disaster strikes the city not long after Lumine and Diluc encounter Amber.]


An eerie silence.

That is what greeted them as the only thing to greet the duo was the soft early spring breeze. Not even the chirp of a cricket or the glow of an anemo crystalfly could be seen. All and everything that could had fled the area. The stillness and silence unnerving for Lumine and worrisome to Diluc. The soft whisper of the breeze rustled the leafy canopy as the light of the afternoon dappled to the forest floor below. The rocky, small ledges sheltering the lone lamp grass from prying eyes in the underbrush. 

"Now where did it go I wonder?"Lumine hummed thinking out loud.

Diluc finally managed to catch up to her taking a moment to catch his breath. He had not been prepared for just how nimble and swift this petite eighteen year old was. "She's no civilian not with that level of fitness."he thought with growing curiosity. But if her tale had any merit...which it seemed to with how she had talked to him and the evidence put in full full. Lumine was a seasoned warrior and a fast one at that. However there was something that caught his eye first as the hushed reptilian growl reached their ears. 

"Lumine there's something up ahead."he called keeping his voice low.

"Lets go check it out then."she stated breaking into a quick jog before she and Diluc took to hiding behind the trees. Both the redhead and blonde peering over to look in the glade.

Like a prowling hunting tiger climbing down from a haphazard pile of boulders near a ledge there stood the dragon. Its massive four feathered wings curved and unfurled. It was not bad on the eyes actually in appearance as this slender beast's finely toned ancient body was covered in shiny and sleek feathers and scales in various hues of teals and blues. Impressive talons of dark blue sunk into the earth and carved the very bedrock under its dark scaled feet. Some of its markings of cyan in hue gave off a weak glow. It was faint but pale frosty blue glowing wisps of energy came from those sharp glowing cyan eyes. Its snout curved into a sharp beak-like structure. But it was what Lumine saw on its neck that got her attention. Something sinister and sharp protruding like a festering wound.

"Look over by the dragon Lumine."Diluc whispered. pointing subtly.

"Hm?"Lumine looked over and spotted a young boy that appeared to be in his mid to early teenage years. He was not the tallest and was of slender, lean built in frame. Dark blue ombre hair done up in two neat side braids with a green barrette on his head and a lone cecilia flower. His aqua green eyes were soulful and bright, full of playful mirth. Fastened around his shoulders was a green and milky white cape that split in various places at the bottom up towards his mid section. "Who is that?"she whispered. "Why is he so close to that dragon?"

"I don't know but lets listen and see. Haste only invites unnecessary inefficacies but we also can't wait too long either."he whispered earning a nod of understanding from the blonde. So listen in they did while watching and trying their best to remain hidden.

"...Don't be afraid, I'm back now you have nothing to worry about anymore."soothed the boy, his voice just as bright as his eyes in pitch. But it was smooth and velvety; this boy had a silver tongue it was clear.

"How odd."noted Diluc.

"That is a bit weird the dragon doesn't seem scared of him and he isn't sca---!?"Lumine was cut off as suddenly the glowing bits of her armor and clothes reacted along with her powers earning a squeak of confusion from the blonde. 

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