Lumine's Secret Protector

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[A/N: Lumine helps deals with the four temples to calm the winds. Diluc seems to be secretly protecting Lumine but why?]


"What's this you got Diluc to actually open up to you?"

Lumine nodded as they approached the source of the wind within this temple. Kaeya had a stunned and interested playful gleam in his azure eye. Of all the people to make his adopted brother open up and lower his guard he had not suspected this blonde. His brother for years had closed himself off, becoming estranged with the bluette and many others. Diluc, whatever had happened it had...hardened him. A wall of some sorts had been built and trust didn't come easily to his adoptive brother anymore. 

"Yes is that odd or something?"Lumine asked treading carefully across the ice Kaeya had created.

"Quite actually. Diluc's very guarded and suspicious of anybody not from Monstandt. Especially anybody with ties to Snezhnaya and the Fatui."Kaeya explained calmly. His gaze scanning the area to lock onto a tower not far away. "Hmm...Look there." Lumine turned her honey amber gaze to where Kaeya was looking and sure enough there was a wild wind storm coming from that tower. "That must be the source."she thought.

"If I'm not mistaken Lumine, the end of the temple should be located just over there."he stated thoughtfully.

"I think so too. Lets hurry, the sooner we get this done the better in my opinion."Lumine huffed as she rushed at the enemies near by. Like a hot knife through butter Lumine's anemo blades and twisters ripped through the poor hillichurls without remorse.

"Aw but what's the hurry, Lumine? This is oh so fun just the two of here~!"Kaeya teased effortlessly leaving his foes frozen stiff.  His movements were swift and held a deadly sort of elegance that seemed almost playful, if not taunting. 

"Kaeya stop teasing me!"pouted Lumine as they made their way for the door. "This is supposed to be serious."

"Oh but I am serious, Lumine."Kaeya laughed as he let his sword vanish before offering her a teasing and playful pat on the head. 

"Kaeya stop please, lets just finish this!"Lumine protested. She hated when Kaeya took advantage of the fact he was taller then her and teased her about her height. Be it through words or by indirect means, he always seemed to take pleasure in teasing her. Granted it was never out of spite and was all in good humor. They continued on their way until finally they reached the source itself. Just like last time Lumine wasted not a second destroying the anemo colored crystal giving off the strong winds. No sooner had she done so did the winds too die down until all was still.

"Bravo, Lumine you are a well trained warrior indeed. Getting to witness the fights you had were quite the thing to witness. Especially the surprise you can use Anemo without a Vision."Kaeya praised as he clapped his hands.

"Um it's not really anything worth complimenting really, Kaeya..."Lumine dismissed. "Is it really that big a deal in Teyvet?"

"Oh but it is. It's unheard of here to weild an element without the use of a Vision or some sort of device.. But I see you already have the modesty of a knight."Kaeya laughed. "You sure you won't take Master Jean's offer?"

"Thanks but no, I can't afford to be chained to one place."Kaeya once more laughed at her firm resolved.

"Alright, alright I won't pester you on your decision. But I can see it now as stories of your heroic deeds carry far and wide across the Land of Freedom for years to come. We're friends aren't we Lumine?"Lumine nodded at his question despite how bashful the praise was making the young blonde. 

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