Special Chapter: A Monstandt Holiday

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[A/N: Merry Christmas and happy new years. As promised here is the special chapter for Dilumi set before spring not long after she woke up. So Lumine doesn't quite understand Teyvetian or Monstandt language yet. So this chapter like before has her speaking Khaenrian so yes there will be my boi Kaeya joining us for mischief too cause these brothers need to make already and I adore them. Once again, Khaenrian is in bold.]


Everywhere you looked the streets of both the capital city and the village were full of holiday cheer. Even the winery was full of glee as nota frown could be seen as bright decorations of silver, gold, green, and red filled the streets and houses. Bards and musician singing in cheerful chorus as snow fell lightly like falling sparkling cold sparkles. Cast in the light of the countless street lamps as people hurried about their lives for the winter new years festival. Adventurers coming and going with tasks in hand and the knights hurrying to go warm up at the local taverns and bars as shifts began to change for the evening. Children laughing in a carefree banter as snowballs went flying. 

Towards the Dawn Winery chatter and laughter could be heard too as Lisa in a red and white versian of her usual clothes and a white furry shawl hurried for the manor's doors. With her was Kaeya still in uniform but his smile sincere as he helped in carrying the countless gifts they brought with them. With them not far behind was Albedo in his usual coat but had more causal clothes for the holidays as he led the small, excited eight year old in the cutest christmas dress and little fuzzy beret. 

Albedo looked over, "You guys go on ahead I need to talk to Klee quickly."

"Oh course, dear we'll just be inside."grinned Lisa. "But don't stay out too long it's frightfully cold out here."

"It's ok auntie Lisa big brother Albedo isn't bothered by the cold. He goes to work on Dragonspine all the time."piped up Klee eagerly. The young girl getting a playful head pat from Kaeya as her reward.

"We know, Klee. He's a good friend so it's only natural to worry."Kaeya assured before turning his attention to the alchemist. "We'll be inside Albedo."

"Of course, we won't be long."Albedo promised as he pulled Klee aside.

Inside the manor Lumine was just coming down the stairs. A red and white santa dress and shawl with two christmas flowers in place of her hairpin graced her lean figure. While she couldn't quite yet understand everyone only having awoken from her seal days ago she hadn't expected this was the time she had woken up to. Excitement filled and swelled in her heart her breezy laughter ringing in Diluc's ears as he followed after her closely. 

"Slow down Lumine, you don't want to trip."he called out only for her to look over with a smile at hearing her name called. She couldn't quite tell what he said but it seemed he was worried maybe? So typical of the redhead to worry. He seemed to do that a lot.

"Don't worry I'm fine~!"she assured in her own tongue. 

Diluc could only sigh as this language barrier was getting to be tricky and complicated. But Lumine was in his care and home due to her unknown situation. It was also unclear if she was a friend or a foe. Something he wanted desperately to figure out about this petite, young girl but they were answers only she could give. However at the sound of the front doors opening Lumine grew curious. The source revealed to be in fact Kaeya and three other people she didn't know. Timidness and shyness made Lumine instantly go behind Diluc to hide to his surprise.

"Lumine what are you doing hiding behind me?"he asked.

"Dwah so the sweetie's finally awake and free from her seal I see. The poor dear's frightened silly..."Lisa noted before turning a playful gaze to Diluc. "Master Diluc she's grown rather attached to you I see."

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