Bad boy next door ch.3

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Chapter 3

This movie is freaking stupid...who on earth would make something like this....jackass 2 is the name...stupid people doing stupid things making their self look stupid...why am I watching this again...oh yea because I have no life...

It's Saturday and I have nothing to do but stay in this house and be bored all day...sometimes I wish I wasn't a loser so I would have more friends...good thing I have at lease Courtney...speaking of Courtney what is she up to...I pulled my cell phone out my pocket and scroll trough the few numbers I have in my contacts and press on her name I put the phone to my ear and wait till she answered.


"Hi court"

"Oh what's up Alyssa"

"Nothing just really bored...what u up to?"


"You would never believe what's been going on" I say kinda annoyed

"What happened" she say excited...she's my best friend so I tell her everything...sharing is caring right?

On the phone what seems like hours telling her how mom invited him to eat breakfast with us, have me show him my room, how blunt he can be, and what happened the other day when I kinda pissed him off...just how I expected for Courtney to react to what I was telling her she is so dramatic with the gasps and the kinda makes me giggle at her bubbleness...

"Oh wow Alyssa your wrong for that" Courtney giggles

"What...I apologized like three times"

"We'll your apologies aren't enough apparently"

"Well he said he forgives me so..." I said with an eye roll

"Yea but did he mean it"

"I don't really's Michael Jackson we talking about"

"Yea your right"

"But it did seem like his feelings were kinda hurt"

" Alyssa Michael doesn't have feelings he's cold hearted" she say with a little annoy in her voice

" do you think he changed over the years?"

"Hell no...I heard some kids talking about they saw Michael making out with some blond headed girl"

"Typical Michael" I say annoyed once again"

"Yea..hey I have to go I'll talk to you maybe later ok?"

"Sure bye" we both hang up...this girl can talk her little ass off but I gotta love her.

I went to my room and laid down to listen to my iPod when suddenly I hear tapping at my window..I looked behind me to see Michael on a tree

"What are you doing Michael" I say a bit scared he might fall. "Trying to get your attention miss captian obvious" he say with an eye roll " ha-ha very funny" "you know Im messin with ya princess" he say while climbing in "how do you know I want you in my house" I say with a bit of attitude. "relax princess who doesn't want me in their house" he say with his famous smirk "whatever micheal...what do you want" "oh I can't just chill with ya" I just looked at him...he never tried talking to me before he left to juvenile I never talked to him not one time..yes I've been knowing him since 6th grade but he never acknowledge my presence...and now all of a sudden he want to "chill" this is all to new to me

I see Michael waving his hands in my face snapping me out my thoughts.

"hello earth to Alyssa" he say with a weird expression "um y-yea" I say embarrassed. "What tha fuck are you thinking about for to just pause like that" he say a little bit of a laugh " Michael why all of a sudden you wanna hang with me when we never talked" he looked at me for a minute then said "maybe because I want to" he say like it's obvious "look princess your a lonely girl I'm basically doing you a favor" he say with a smirk..I looked at him like he was crazy..I have no problem being to myself I don't need friends..right...right? I say to myself like it's a question "your not doing me an favor Michael I'm fine" "yea sure princess" he say with an eye roll...

As Michael I never got him to go back to his I just say forget it let's "chill"...we talked and talked and talked about everything about our life, our family's, how we have a lot in common like the movies we watch and foods we eat... I love books but he hates em he said he'll fall asleep trying to read I thought that was funny...he stayed in my room with me for hours just actually getting to know each other..I basically told him my whole life I don't know but I felt like I could trust him....crazy right I mean no one should trust Michael Jackson after all the untrustworthy things he done but for some reason I can....after talking for hours I actually had a good time with him...he's very funny and so blunt and he's a cool person I just hope I'm not feeding him to much information so he could go behind my back and embarrass me...

"Well it looks like it's about that time" he say while standing up. "Well I guess it is" he walked up to me and gave me a huge bear first I was shocked I didn't expect that at all..but then I hug him back...we pulled away and I looked at him kinda surprised "what was that for" "because I knew you would get nervous and shocked I just wanted to see your reaction" he say with a bit of a laugh. " well I'm shocked" " I know" he say while turning and opening the window "see ya later princess" " it's Alyssa" I say with a smile...he smirked climbing out the window and shutting it...

I looked at the clock and it was almost midnight "WOW!!!!" I say out loud..oh my gosh we talked for a long time...oh well I went to take a shower and went straight to bed....low-key I kinda want to "chill" with Michael again someday...



The bad boy next door (Mj fantasy) bad eraWhere stories live. Discover now