Bad boy next door ch. 9

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Chapter 9

Alyssa POV

"HE DID THAT!?!?" Courtney screamed out at me. "Court calm down...before you wake the whole house" I said...Courtney is staying the night like every Friday and right now it's like eleven pm and her big mouth is gonna wake everyone. "Oh sorry" she whispered. "But why though?" She asked. "I don't we came inside, we sat down and all of a sudden he had to was strange and I'm he never was in a rush to leave even if it was something really important..he would still take his time..I mean if it was about family then that's different" I said to her. "Hmm maybe it was about a family member" court said touching her chin. "Was he on the phone?" She asked. "No...he just practically jumped up and left like he didn't wanna be around me or alone with me" I said confused. "And when was this again?" court asked. "Last week" "and you didn't talk to him since?"she asked once again. "Nope and that's the strange part...he usually tell me what's up or he would still come over" I said...right now I'm worried.. once I think about it he never does this..he never disappears..when he's gone he always tell me what's going on or something but it was never anything important..he never tells me about his family actually...he doesn't tell me important things matter of fact..."why do you even care" Courtney says grinning...I looked at her with surprised and embarrassed eyes. "I-I don't..I'm just wondering" I said looking away.."mhm sure you sound a little worried there" "I'm not worried I don't care" I said rolling my eyes..I don't i? Ugh I shouldn't be. "Ok ok" she say grinning.


Today is Saturday and my lame ass is at the park...alone...court had to leave for a hair and nail appointment so I'm lonely...I really need to start doing things that's "fun" I'm so boring I don't know why Courtney is friends with me hm that's probably why she always try to make me do things with her. As Im in my own thoughts I hear someone say something to me..."hi is this seat taken" a guy says to me...and oh wow he's so fine...he's tall with tan skin he has light brown eyes..his clothes are on detail needed...his lips oh god his lips..they're so sexy, very full...I just wanna suck on em and bite em..whoa calm down Alyssa you don't even know him.

While I'm sitting there looking stupid I finally snapped out of it. "Um n-no no it's not" I said to him freaking shy...ugh I'm embarrassing myself. Knowing how embarrassed I looked he smiled and thanked me while sitting down. "I'm josh by the way" said sticking out his hand, I shook it while while telling him mine. "I'm Alyssa" I said while his voice is deep. "beautiful name for a beautiful woman" he said while smiling. He has a nice smile but not beautiful like Michael's. "thank you" I say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry to disturb your piece but I just wanted to let you know that you are so beautiful, to beautiful to be hear are alone are you?" He asked...taken aback and surprised I was speechless for a second until I found my words again. "Um thank you and yes I'm alone...sadly" I said to him. "Ok good I was hoping you were" josh says smiling nicely. "Yea I am" "do you mind if we can get to know each other, you look like a good person and very sweet" he says to me..he look so good I'm not passing him up. "Sure..wait did someone send you over here to talk to me? or did your friends make a bet for you to make a move" I said narrowing my eyes..I have to be smart and check him. He looked at me confused. "No no..I'm being a gentle men and trying to have nice conversation with one is with me I'm alone just like you" he says smiling. I looked around to see a group of boys and I see none..only the ones buy the basket ball court but he didn't come from that direction. I looked back at him embarrassed by my words. He smiled at me. "Now can i get to talk to you?" josh asked smiling. I smiled back and told him "sure" "ok thanks"

We sat and talked and talked and talked for a long time..he so sweet and nice, his deep voice is so sexy and soothing I bet he sounds good over the phone, he's funny and we never had an awkward moment..well I would felt sometimes awkward because I would embarrass myself but him he was ok with it. He so understanding it seems like I could talk to him about anything and be myself.

" omg you have to be kidding me" I said while laughing. "Yes I know and I was so embarrassed and it was in front of the whole school" he said shaking his head chuckling clearly embarrassed just by talking about that. "Did you run out?" "hell yea I did I wasn't gonna sit there with milk all over my head" he said. I giggled at him "oh wow I would have died of embarrassment" "pfft how did you think I felt, I wanted the ground to swallow me" I smiled and laughed he is cute. "I would of wanted the same thing" I said, he smiled and shook his head. I pulled out my phone to check the time and it's getting late we been talking for three hours and I didn't even realize. "It's getting late I should be getting home" I said while standing up, he stood up with me. "Um yea it is I didn't know we were talking that long" he said while looking down. "Me neither " "well it was nice talking to you, you are so fun to talk toI'm glad I've grown the balls to come up to you..I was debating for ten minute rather I should talk to you or not before I came over here" he said smiling..he smiles a lot and I like that, I wonder if he's hiding any pain behind it..I don't know. "Well I'm glad you made up your mind and chose to talk to me" I said smiling back at him. "Me too and it would be nice to have your number so we could keep in touch" he suggested "yes why not" we pulled out our phone and exchanged numbers. "Ok I should be going before the sun go's down" I said "do you need a ride?" he asked "um no I'm fine my house is just right down the street" "are you sure?" He asked again "yes I'm positive" we might became friends in somewhat but he is still a stranger and I have to be smart and watch my back..he could be something completely different then who I just met. "Ok well see ya beautiful" he said while turning around to walk to his car and trust me his car is sexy too, I don't know what's the name though must be something new. "Bye" I said waving while walking away. I'm actually pretty glad I met him..

When I made it home I had dinner with my family and went straight to my room, took a shower gotten on Facebook and chat with a few people on there. As I was about to lay down until my phone vibrated, I took it off my dresser and checked to see who it was and it was josh and it read:

Josh: Goodnight beautiful sweet dreams ;)

I smiled at his text and replied.

Me: Thanks you too :)

I put my phone back on my dresser and laid my head on my pillow. Josh is a great guy and very cute but for some reason a can't stop worrying about Michael and why he's been so distant from me what have a done wrong, did I say something and scared him off? I don't think I did. I'll try calling him tomorrow right now i need some rest. I might of met a nice fine guy today but he's cant measure up to Michael when it comes to me being very drawn close to him. Josh doesn't have that power to make me feel weak in the knees just smirking at me or make my heart skip a beat when he smiles at me. Wait why am I comparing josh to Michael. I just met him I have to get to know him better he might be way better then Michael if I just get to know him longer I don't know yet...and I shouldn't be saying things like this about Michael like I have feelings for him or even like him or miss him because I don' I? no I don't..focus Alyssa you can't be catching feelings for Michael he's a bad boy that love's to play with girls hearts always has always will, so catch yourself before you fall....remember that.

As I put that mental note in my head I closed my eyes and went straight to sleep.




OH SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES TOO....comment share vote ;)

The bad boy next door (Mj fantasy) bad eraWhere stories live. Discover now