Bad boy next door ch.13

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Chapter 13

Two months later

"Josh stop it" I said giggling. "You know you don't want me to stop" josh say smirking while leaning in trying to kiss my neck and I'm not gonna lie it does feels good. "Yes I do we need to focus on the movie" "girl I don't care about the movie" he said winking at me..knowing damn well he been wanting to see it. "Yea right you begged me to watch it with you since forever" I said scooting away from him trying to avoid his kisses, now he's scooting closer to me trying to kiss my cheek. I smirked at him. "Josh stop it we gonna miss what's gonna happen then we'll be confused..." "But-" I cut him off before he could argue. "THEN you going to wanna restart it and I'm not going to let you" I said looking at him. "Fine" he said folding his arms and pouting while scooting over all the way to the other side of the couch like a little kid. "Aww you gonna be a baby now" I said teasing him, he ignored me and continued to watch the movie. Yea I feel a little bad for pushing him away so I scooted over to him, he didn't look at me and kept watching tv. So I just leaned in and kissed his cheek instead, he looked over at me and smile and put his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer to him and we continued to watch the movie. Which by the way is notorious B.I.G. I know right but hey it was his idea.

I know you are confused about what's going on *Is Alyssa and josh together now o_O* welllll yes we are together for a few weeks now. I decided to give josh a chance I had a feeling he liked me and he's boyfriend material. Since Michael doesn't want anything to do with me I figured its best to move on and not waist my time I mean he did say for me to leave him alone, loud and clear. But you know...I can't stop thinking about him everyday I think about him I can't seem to stop especially when is next door where I can see him. He keeps his curtain open and I leave mine open just to see him and I watch him all the time not in a stalkish way but I can't seem to help myself. Ok maybe I'm just with josh to get over Michael I mean you know what they say to get over a guy get a new one so that's what I did and it kinda helps I guess..I like josh a little.

"Do you know that guy next door to you" josh asked unexpectedly.
"Um yea why" I asked confused. "Did you guys know a thing or something. "No we were friends at one point" I said "you sure? Because every time I'm with you he always give me an evil look" he said looking at me. "Oh um I'm sure it's nothing don't worry about him" "what's his name?" Josh asked "Michael" I answered. "Oh" "why you asking these questions" I asked. "Just wondering" "you scared of him?" I said teasing him. "Hell no what do I need to be scared of" he said frowning at me. "Haha I'm kidding get your panties out your ass" he smirked at me and gently pushed me. "Whatever" "but he's someone you don't want to get on it's bad side" I said to him warningly. "Why you say that?" He asked. "Because Michael could get umm violent" "how violent?" He asked again. "He's been to Jail a couple of times, military school and he just got out of juvenile" I said looking at him. ".....for what" josh said kinda hesitating. "He would get into fights and almost killing them with his bare hinds" I said, he looked down. "But ever since he got out of juvenile I haven't herd any bad things from him or about him so I guess he's doing good" "good" he said sounding relieved.

"Hey c'mon lets go up to my room" I said pulling him up.

So we are in my room and he sits on the bing bag...I still have a problem of him siting there, that's Michael's seat. But no anymore I guess. We're talking and laughing and the next thing I know we are locked in a kiss a deep one too. His lips a so soft and so full, we start kissing deeper with our tongues dancing around and our lips moving in sync. This is my first kiss and I never imagine it would feel like this but at the back of my head I was disappointed and hoping it would be with Michael. The kiss started getting hot and our breathing was picking up,I'm losing my breath so I pulled away and turned my head to get some air looking down. I got this feeling of someone watching me so I looked up and saw a very angry Michael staring at me so angry that his face is slightly red. I gasped and turned around facing josh wide eyed kind scared. "Hey what's wrong" he asked concerned. "Um nothing...umm I think I should close these curtains it's dark out" I said and hurry to close them, when I got to the window I looked out and Michael was gone. "Um I think you should go" I said a little to quickly, he looked at me confused. "Why it's not that late" "my mom and dad will be home real soon" I said taking his hand and walking to my bedroom door. "Ugh fine"

Once we got to the front door I opened it and practically pushed him out. "Geez someone doesn't wanna get in trouble" he said chuckling, I smiled and shook my head he came closed to me and tried giving me a kiss but I turned my head just in time for him to catch my cheek. I fake smiled at him. "Bye" i said, he looked at me confused. "bye" he said then turned and walked to his car. I closed the door and walked up to my room and onto my bed feeling like shit...why I don't know but I feel like I did something wrong...but I didn't...did I? NO I didn't josh is my boyfriend and we kissed that's what couples do. But why do I feel guilty like I just cheated on someone?





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