Chapter One

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I have exams coming up, a phanfiction, a poetry collection and a novel to obviously this is the perfect time to start a Troyler fic!

I'm really, really excited for this. I'd really appreciate if you could share this with any other Troyler fans you know because it would mean so much and the more reads this get, the faster the updates will be because it'll motivate me!

Since this is an AU, I've changed ages - Tyler is twenty-four and and Troye is twenty-two.

The chapters will all be in Tyler's POV unless stated otherwise

Thanks for reading ; )


"So you're basically a prick, is what I'm saying," I snapped, grabbing my rucksack out of the taxi. "I hope very much that you fall into a hole somewhere and die. Just die. Bang. Dead. Capish."

The driver rolled his eyes as I slammed the door. "Look, twink -"

"Do I look like a twink to you?" I growled. "I'm a jock. Look at me. Look at me! I'm a jock!"

His gaze went upwards again and I rolled mine in return. "Look. Just give me my change!"I ordered.

"There is no change."

"Then why the fuck are you still talking to me?" I waved my hands at him. "Shoo!"

"Jesus," the driver muttered as he rolled up his window, "All I asked was whether you'd been to the new gay bar."

"Yeah, you stereotyping little asshole! Just because I have bright hair doesn't mean I'm gay!" I turned on my heel and walked towards the coffee shop, sighing.

"Are you gay?"

I spun around and shot him a patronising glare. "Of course I'm gay, dumbass! I knew what twink meant, didn't I? And you did too. Are you gay? You're hot. Call me sometime." I winked and he sat there for a few seconds, staring at me like I'd just come from fucking Mars or something, before rolling up the window and driving away.

I walked into the coffee place with a smile on my face; confusing hot boys was always my favourite part of the morning. I mean, considering there's no feasible purpose for our existence, why couldn't mine be to irritate the hell out of all the attractive men around me? God knows that's a good enough reason for me since we were all dying anyway, no matter how slowly.

The smile slid slowly off my face. Dang it. I really needed to stop having existential before midday; it made me tired all day, and God also knows that I need my beauty sleep to be a functional member of society. It's hard to sleep when you're pacing around your room at 3a.m thinking about whether there could be any more to life than a one-night stand and a cup of coffee in quick succession.

I mean, I was going to get coffee no matter what I decided upon, but I could at least wonder about it, right? I'd been scoping out the hot barista for weeks now anyway. He had a girlfriend, but I was like 90% sure he was bi. I wanted him to be, anyway. It was probably clouding my judgement.

I digress.

After I got my coffee - an essential part of every morning; I'd been known to leave 'adult sleepovers' early just to catch this place when it opened - I sat down in the corner and pulled out my phone. Thank fuck for free Wi-Fi, I thought fervently as I logged in Tumblr.

Photography was something not many people knew I enjoyed, and it wasn't something I wanted them to ever know. I had a Polaroid camera I carried everywhere, but I kept it hidden - right now it was in this cute little bag I'd picked up last week, slung over the back of the chair. I only put pictures from my iPhone up on Tumblr though, because my Polaroids were more personal. It'd be hard to be the all-singing, all-dancing, all-fucking Tyler Oakley I was supposed to be if people found photos of flowers and rain all over my Tumblr.

You and Me in the Old Jeep - TROYLER AUWhere stories live. Discover now