Chapter Twenty

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little short sorry!

Song of the Chapter: Heart Out by The 1975


The second I heard the voice ring out, a British accent that could not have been more different from Zoe and Alfie's, I saw Troye jerk to a halt, his lips pressing together in a thin line, eyes widening for a split second before they narrowed. "Get lost, Sam." he snapped, but his voice was trembling a little. 

The guy, presumably Sam, pushed off the wall he'd been leaning on and took a step towards us, his frown deepening. Troye faltered, blanching, and I scowled. "Who the fuck are you?" Sam asked, addressing me this time, and I came forward too, wishing, not for the first time, I was taller and generally more intimidating. 

"I'm Tyler." I growled. "Now go away."

Sam laughed softly. "That's really funny. Now will you give me a second with Troye?"

I opened my mouth angrily, but Troye shook his head quickly at me. "It's fine, Tyler." he said stoutly. He still looked scared, but there was a tight set to his jaw that I recognized - Troye was really, really fucking pissed off. Taking off that ring had helped him in some way I didn't understand, and hopefully he'd give Sam a piece of his mind.

"I'll be just over there." I said slowly. Sam smirked at me and I had to clench my hands into fists as I backed away to stop myself from attacking him. Something about his stupid smile made me want to punch something, but I went to stand beside Troye's car instead, thinking absentmindedly that I'd just get Troye to drop me back here to collect my car after I took him out...I had no idea where we'd go but - 

"Where's the ring, Troye?"

My head snapped up as Sam's voice suddenly turned into an almost yell. They had been talking so low that I couldn't hear them across the parking lot before, but now when I looked up I could see even from afar that Sam was furious.

I started towards them, walking as fast as I could but trying to make it look like I wasn't running over to be the big hero, because I knew Troye would hate to be made to feel weak. Now they had gone quieter again and seemed to be arguing - as I strode towards them, I saw Sam grab Troye's wrist suddenly, maybe to see his hand. Troye yanked his arm away, and then the sound of a slap rang out loud and clear into the empty parking lot.

Just meters from them now, I slowed to a stop and stared almost disbelievingly at Troye, who was glaring at Sam, his hand red from hitting Sam. His face was twisted angrily, and the air around him was practically crackling with fury - 

And then Sam's hand flashed upwards and Troye spun like a fucking dancer with the force of the blow and fell and made this terrible noise, and I stood still and I shook and I couldn't see, couldn't think, couldn't breathe.




"I'm sorry about what happened."

"This wasn't your fault, Troyeboy, don't say that." 

I knew that Troye was crying, but I was driving us to his house and the traffic was manic so I couldn't do much about it. We were in my car - Zoe was going to drive Troye's jeep back this evening - and he was holding his face, tears rolling down it, trembling like the whole world had just fallen down around his ankles. From what I could see through his fingers, his right cheekbone and eye were turning the most beautiful shade of violet. 

I didn't know whether Sam had been particularly strong, but a blow to the head with my shoe and kick to the dick had certainly floored him until the police arrived. Troye was going to give a statement tomorrow about everything, but today I had convinced him to let me take care of him. I wasn't really good at this sort of stuff, but hey, I'd minded Joey's husky puppy Wolf a while ago. It couldn't be that different. Troye was puppy-like, sort of.

I glanced over at him for the fifth time in the last minute, my fingers fluttery and unsettled on the steering wheel; the adrenaline I'd amassed still hadn't left me, but neither had the image of Troye being practically thrown away by Sam's hit, the way he'd been spun and knocked to the ground by the strength of it. That yelp that had exploded out of him, high-pitched and pain-filled. I didn't think I could ever forget it.

I looked over again at the traffic lights, unable to help myself, but this time he stared back, looking a little worried as he always seemed to lately, his bruise all amethyst and lavender in turns but his eyes having brightened a little from navy to aquamarine. I knew eyes couldn't really change color, but Troye had a way of expressing himself through his irises, and he was nothing if not technicolor on the inside. A myriad of blues. 

I, on the other hand, had faded from my previous colors of black and white where everything was solid and pre-decided and familiar, to the most beautifully confusing grey. 

What was this boy doing to me? 

don't you dare comment fifty shades i s2g

anyway thanks for reading and for 2.9k! don't forget to vote, comment and add this to your reading lists if you like it

Bbbbbbbbye *wink*

You and Me in the Old Jeep - TROYLER AUWhere stories live. Discover now