Chapter Four

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Also I've just finished my phanfic that you should check out, it's called Feel Better ;)

So if you're still here thanks for sticking around and hopefully you're enjoying this

Song of the Chapter (this is a thing now): Drunk by Ed Sheeran

I might reuse these btw


Korey was pretty confused when he came to pick me up, but it was a relief to see a normal-looking car again. The second I got in, he started it, and the engine was a low murmur of relief.

"So." he said after we'd been driving for a few minutes in scowling silence, "That bad, huh?"

I snorted. "I don't even want to talk about it." he moaned, running a hand through my hair. I plucked a pair of his sunglasses off the dashboard and put them on as the sun glared off the windshield.

"Oh, honey," Korey said, ultra patronizing, "What happened? One of your little toys run off without a quickie?"

I let the sunglasses slide down my nose a little and shot him a black glare. I knew Korey's standing on my hook-ups - just because he was dating this Greek god of a homebird didn't mean I wasn't allowed have some fun. I resented him calling them toys - that wasn't how we played the game. If we were talking metaphorical, we were talking puppets, tripping over their strings to get in bed with me.

"No," I said with elaborate patience, "He had to go to work."

Korey's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, yeah? What does he work as?"

"He's a singer." I figured there was no problem with name-dropping. "Troye Sivan. The June Haverly EP guy."

Korey pursed his lips and fiddled with the radio dial for a minute, until a quiet rush of music filled the car, and I heard the liquid, accented voice that was already branded so clearly into my mind.

"But when the su-u-u-n starts to set, and the ski-i-i-ies take your breath, I need to sense you right there, you just wave goodbye, wave goodbye."

"Yeah, I've heard this song." Korey said amiably. He went to change the station, but I lunged forwards without even thinking and grabbed his wrist.

"Leave it." I said sternly, and he whistled, pulling back.

"Somebody's fallen hard." Korey said under his breath, but I was barely listening. I leaned back in the seat and let the sound of Troye's voice wash over me, the Aussie inflection in the way he sang pulsing through me with little shivers of delight.

"Well I can't make you love me, but I'll try. Until my dying breath, you know I'll try. I can't make you feel it, if it's not there. Only the Lord knows why it's not there..."

I heard the sound of the engine cut off suddenly and blinked, sitting up to attention to see Korey staring at me, smirking.

"Wow, boy, you've got it bad." he laughed, and I sighed, getting out.

"Don't be such a child, Korey Kuhl." I reprimanded him. "Don't think I still won't go after that delicious homebird of yours."

Korey's smile faded a little, and his mouth twisted ruefully. "Hey," he muttered. He'd always been a bit uneasy about the fact that I joked so unashamedly about hooking up with said homebird Jacob - mostly because he knew I could get him if I wanted him. I wouldn't, though.

At least, I think I wouldn't.

After Korey leaves I go into my apartment - typical of LA, it's chic, drenched with natural light and empty. There are half a dozen abandoned mugs of tea on various tables and a multicolored deer head on the wall - personal touches. And the massive letter 'd' light in my bedroom.

Sighing, I take off Korey's sunglasses and set them down, walking into the kitchen. I try and make myself dinner, but all I can think of is how much I wish Troye was here, how much I want to pull off all his clothes and absolutely ruin him in the space of a single night and a few ragged heartbeats.

The problem is, I also want him to stay afterwards.

As soon as the thought comes, I shut it down. Tyler Oakley does not have boyfriends. Tyler Oakley does not want a relationship - at least not now. My twenties were specifically made for fucking around - both literally and figuratively.

Times like this called for alcohol, I decided.

All my usual drinking friends - Hannah, Mamrie, Sawyer, all the craziest people in LA - would probably prefer to go out to drink, and usually I would to and I'd get some stranger's tongue in my mouth, but tonight I just didn't want to. I pulled a bottle of wine out from my drinks cabinet and poured a glass that in hindsight was probably much too big to drink on an empty stomach.

Two episodes of Catfish and three glasses of wine later, I was sitting in the dark with an empty glass in my hand, leaning forward to the TV with my elbows on my knees, staring blankly at the screen. I must have muted it at some point, because there was no sound, just the light flickering across my face. Eventually it turned to static, but I barely noticed, and I didn't look away, because there was absolutely nowhere else to look.

My head was already killing me, and the apartment was still empty.

Soooo I hope you guys enjoyed this look at the kind of lonely side of Tyler's life

Don't forget to vote and comment and asdfghj byeeeee

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