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3𝔯𝔡 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫 𝔓𝔒𝔙

The black haired male was once again, face first in the H/C girl's lap as they sat in comfortable silence while she watched TV. Baji had fallen asleep to the comforting background noise of the TV, along with Y/N stroking his hair. He had grown very attached to her and her company. He thought about her all night last night, he didn't catch a wink of sleep thinking about her soft hands. Only once he was in her presence was he calm enough to drift into sleep.

"Mmmfff..." he mumbled through Y/N's lap.

She giggled quietly, hearing a pair a footsteps descend the stairs she looked up to see Takemichi and Hinata, appearing to get ready to go somewhere.

"Where are you two going?" Y/N asked the two, making sure to speak lowly so she wouldn't wake up Baji.

"Oh! We're going to- eh?" Hina started, but then gestured to the man in Y/N's lap with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, he's just one of my friends. Let him sleep, he's had a rough couple of days." Y/N stated, Hina nodded understandingly, with a small smirk on her lips.

"Just a friend, eh?" The pink-haired girl said mischievously, her expression faltered when she looked at Takemichi and saw the dark shadow that had casted over his features.

"I- Um, well! We were just about to head to the bakery to get some fresh-baked melonpan! Do you want us to bring you back any Y/N?" Hina turned back to Y/N, answering her question.

"Sure, that sounds good. Thank you." The girl smiled at them as she watched them leave.


"So annoying, those two interrupting my nap like that." Baji mumbled.

"You can go back to sleep Baji, I know you had a rough night." Y/N said, feeling a little guilty that her sleep-deprived friend couldn't get any more rest.

"It's fine Y/N, thank you for letting me use your lap as a pillow, it's very soft." Baji stretched and smiled at the girl.

She smiled back "anytime."

"Well, I need to stop by the convenience store on the way home, I'm out of Yakisoba. Do you want to come with?" He turned to question the girl beside him.

"Okay, sounds like fun! I won't have anything else to do, since those love birds ditched me." The H/C girl huffed, causing Baji to chuckle lightly.

"Let's get going then." They put on their shoes and walked out the door, in the direction of the 7/11.

——-<3time skip<3——-

Arriving at the store, Baji pushed open the door, hearing the little bell chime that indicated their entrance.

"Welcome!" The bubbly cashier welcomed the two.

They waved before heading off into the instant noodle section, Baji looking carefully through the selection until his eyes found the certain type he was looking for. Taking a couple of them off the counter and putting them in his basket. He turned to Y/N, who stood beside him.

"You want some noodles? I'll pay of course." He flashed her a grin, feeling like a real gentlemen.

"Nah, I'm good. I didn't really need anything, I'm just happy to hang out with you." She answered him, he threw an arm around her shoulder.

"You warm my heart, I wish I could just lock you away and keep your sweet personality all to myself..." Baji said. Y/N chuckled nervously at the end of his sentence.

'What did he mea-' she started to think, but was brought back into reality when Baji started talking to her again.

"Well we're splitting my Yakisoba when we get to my place. I want to share the amazing experience of it with you!" He grinned again at the end of his statement, causing her to smile back at him widely.

'He's so sweet, he probably didn't mean anything by that last sentence. Just his way of joking. I really should be more cautious though, I'm acting very comfortable around gang members.' He girl thought to herself.

Going through all the isles, they picked out drinks and snacks to take back to Baji's house. They seemed to be having a lot of fun, frequently laughing and talking to each other, even if it was just about the smallest, stupidest things. Constantly sending each other wide smiles and giggles.

"I like it when you laugh, it's pretty~" Baji flirted.

"We'll be thankful that you're funny." She answered to him.

The two payed and walked out of the store, each carrying a bag in one hand, while holding hands with the other, walking side by side in the direction of Baji's house.

As the sun was beginning to set and they got closer and closer to their destination, Baji's mind began to drift, he was so happy in that moment that he was completely zoned out when a group of guys approached them. A tattooed hand reached out to snatch Y/N's hand from Baji's, making the black haired male snap back to reality.

"Nice to meet you Doll, never seen you around before." The guy who grabbed her hand began to talk to her, completely ignoring Baji's presence.

"I'm Y/N. Who are you?" The girl asked.

"That's pretty~ I'm Shuji Hanma. If you ever what to hang out with me and boys sometime, give us a call~" Hanma said, slipping a piece of paper with his phone number on it into Y/N's pocket, giving her a wink.

"Oh, um, thank you?" Y/N said, Baji coughed, making his presence known to Hanma and the other gang members surrounding him.

"OH! Baji! Great to see you man, didn't even notice ya." Hanma acknowledged him finally, smirking.

"You know them Baji?" Y/N asked, confused. She had know idea who these people were but they looked like trouble.

Baji, grabbed her hand once again, tugging it along with him as he walked away.

"Excuse us, but we'll need to be leaving now. It's starting to get dark." Baji dismissed the group of males

Hanma smiled at Y/N as he waved goodbye to her, this causing Baji to walk faster in the direction of his house.

"What was that about?" Y/N questioned Baji, he turned to her with a stern expression on his features, slightly intimidating the girl.

"...Just don't talk about it." Was all Baji said.

And so she didn't, staying silent for the rest of the walk.


1,017 words


A/N: I definitely have a soft spot for Baji :) who doesn't?

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