Part 29: Mia

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Playlist: Man on a Wire by The Script, I Feel Alive by We The Kings, Summer Love by We The Kings, All Again For You by We The Kings, I’d Come For You by Nickelback, What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club, Therapy by All Time Low, Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra, I Love You by Alex & Sierra, You are in Love by Taylor Swift, It’s Not Right For You by The Script

He looked much older than he did back in the summer. I watched him closely as the early morning sun streamed into the room through the curtains.

He looked so peaceful, so relaxed… His eyes closed, eyelashes fanned over his cheeks, lips slightly parted as he breathed evenly. I noticed once again how much longer his hair was, slightly falling against his forehead and cheeks. I was tempted to run my fingers through it, much more gently than the way I had last night.

Last night…

The thought of what had happened between us made me smile. I really never thought I would see him again. Let alone, never thought I would share a bed with him anymore in my future.

I ran my fingers against his cheek softly, feeling his stubble as my fingers ran over his skin. Having him there made every feeling I had tried to run away from come rushing back.

My thumb brushed against his jaw gently, watching as his eyes began to flutter open at the gentle touch; my heart instantly began to beat faster when his hazel eyes slowly opened.  They were confused at first as he looked around the strange room before they landed on me and he instantly relaxed once again.

“Good morning…” I whispered softly, my voice hoarse from not being used all night but the way his eyes light up… It showed me that he didn’t care about the way I sounded or the way I looked; the ever growing smile on his lips confirming it.

“Morning, love.” He said, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to my lips but as he pulled away silence fell between us once again. I had no idea what to say and his eyes told me that neither did he.

Last night there had been so much I had wanted to tell him but now that he was here, after what they did… My mind was completely blank. I watched his lips part and tighten closed as he tried to form what to say next.

“I’m sorry…” He whispered softly, his eyes closing tightly before they opened again to look into my eyes once again.

“You don’t have to…” I began to say but he cut me off.

“I do…” He said with a sigh. “I should have not shown up at your door the way I did. I’m sorry about that, Mia. I should of talked to you back in the restaurant or I should of called sooner to tell you the truth…”

“You couldn’t have, even if you had wanted to call…” I said.

“What?” He asked, brows furrowing in confusion.

“I changed my phone number before I came to New York. I didn’t want you to contact me again… None of you…” I confessed. I could see the hurt flash past his green-ish eyes before he looked away.

“I understand… I wanted you to move on… To forget about us…” he said.

“That’s not working so well for us now, is it?” I joked softly, pressing my hand gently against his cheek. He hadn’t found it as funny, his eyes still soft of lost in thought; still full of regret and hurt. “Lighten up, Ash.” I insisted.

“How are you not angry at me anymore, Mia… Not even last night…” He began to say, shaking his head. “You were angry but it was mostly because I was here…”

“I was angry… I was angry for a long time. And I was really hurt for so many days… It always seemed to drag on with me, no matter what I did…” I said softly, my fingers sliding into his hair gently. I loved the way he relaxed against my touch, a familiar look suddenly in his eyes as I did. “And then I just wasn’t. I decided not to be, because even if I was it didn’t change things. I just pushed all those feelings away and tried to pretend last summer didn’t happen.” I explained, his eyes never leaving mine as I spoke. I waited then for him to say something, anything; and when he didn’t, I just continued talking.

“I was falling in love with you Ashton…” I murmured, the words coming so much easier than I thought they would. And now that they had been said, there was no going back on them.

And just what I had feared, the silence fell between us once again. His hand had stopped the soothing stroking he had been doing against my arm as we laid there on my bed.

I pulled myself out of bed, reaching quickly for my towel so I could cover myself up as I walked towards my closet and grabbed the things I needed in order to shower.

I heard him as he sat down on my bed. I didn’t have to look at him because by the way he sighed I knew he had just ran his hand through his hair. A little too harshly like he always did when he couldn’t find the right thing to say.

“I need to shower… I have to find Heather and talk to her…” I murmured, not looking at him as I stormed out of the room just as my eyes began to prickle with tears.

I knew better, why had I let him get under my skin that way? Why had I believed him? I knew what he was capable of; I knew how he was… He had obviously just been looking for a one night stand.

“You walked right into his trap…” I murmured to myself as soon as the water began to fall against her skin. Quickly her tears had begun to mix with the warm water.

 (Author’s Note: Hey guys! So I know it has been a while… Like a long time since I have updated! I’m really sorry about that but I am going to try and make up for it. Chapters might not be as long as I love to making them but I will have loads of these short chapters to show what is happening between them! Not sure when the next one is coming but hopefully later today or tomorrow! Thanks for being patient and for always reading! <3)

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