Part 7: Mia

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(Author’s Note: Hey guys! It’s been a few days since I have uploaded again and to tell you the truth I have been very conflicted about how to continue this story. What do you guys think so far?? xx)

Playlist: Summer Love by One Direction – All Too Well by Taylor Swift – Summer Girl by Family of the Year – Memories by Within Temptation – Memory by Sugarcult – Remember When by Avril Lavigne – Miss You by Ed Sheeran


“Mia, it’s your turn to get us Starbucks!” Heather called out from inside the bathroom. Her body was hunched over the counter, face extremely close to the mirror as she finished up her makeup. Heather was the only person I knew who was concerned about the way she looked 24/7, even if we were only going to the beach.

“You say that every day Heather!” I called out, leaning against the door frame as I watched her. “And today is only our third day here.” I added as she turned around and stuck her tongue out.

“Just go get me some tea and scones like the amazing friend you are.” She said, slamming the bathroom door closed; her way of kicking me out of our shared room without actually being rude about it.

“I’ll make sure to use your credit card!” I teased through the door before I walked over to the rest of the gang who were already waiting for us. And they had been waiting for a while.

“Syd, want anything?” I asked her from where she lay in bed fully dressed with James and Zack. She raised her head slightly and shook her head slowly. Her blonde hair fanned out behind her as she propped herself up on her shoulders.

“Nope, just want Heather to hurry up! If we never leave Santa Monica Pier is going to be packed. It is summer after all.” She said, loud enough so Heather could start protesting from inside the bathroom.

“I’ll see you guys downstairs.” I said laughing as I left the bedroom. These past few days had been amazing, being able to see Sydney and the guys again while getting to know California for the first time… It was worth all the exhaustion! Sydney had us always up early and with schedules planned out. For as long as I had known her, she had been organized down to the last detail.

This last minute road trip was no exception; besides I was glad she had taken over the planning out of our days, it only meant that I could actually relax before NYU.

Thinking about NYU had made me really nervous ever since I had gotten my acceptance letter into their Journalism degree program. It had always been my dream to venture into the world of communications from the city that never sleeps itself but now that it was actually happening I wasn’t sure if I was ready for such a change. I was just a girl from Washington State after all.

“Hold up the elevator!” I called out as I hurried up the last few steps down the hall once I had shaken off the thoughts of my future for now.

“Thank you, I hate waiting for these.” I said as I came inside and realized who had been the person to hold the elevator for me. I saw the same realization cross his greenish eyes as we looked at each other. The corner of his mouth tugged up in a half smile after he pressed the button for the lobby. I would hate to admit it but I was smiling too.

“We really need to stop meeting like this.” He said, leaning back against the cool elevator walls.

“What do you mean? This is the first time we are in the elevator together.” I asked.

“True… But you keep stalking me.” Ashton said, accusing me once again of being a stalker just like that first day we had met.

“Again, I am not stalking you.” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. “I haven’t seen you since I got here.” I added.

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