Part 19: Ashton/Mia

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DISCLAMER: This chapter is a little crazy, it will go back and forth between the two of them and I am not sure if you guys will get it or like it but I thought it worked better this way because all of it is happening at once and I kind of wanted to mix things up… Hope you like it? Haha xx

Playlist: Without those Songs by The Script,Style by Taylor Swift, I Wish You Would by Taylor Swift, Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra, The One That Got Away by Katy Perry, Half a Heart by One Direction, Love Hurts by Incubus, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol,


Their “before show” playlist was playing full blast from inside their dressing room. Already you could hear the buzz from the crowd, the energy in the entire venue changing as the minutes passed. Even though the energy was high, the only way to describe what happened back stage before a show was that it was the calm before the storm.

Ashton sat there watching as Michael lay down on the couch across from him scrolling through his phone. Calum and Luke were in a corner laughing about something that they probably wouldn’t share with the rest of them until hours later.

The familiarity of those three boys and what happened in their everyday life made him smile. It almost made him forget about the memories. Lately his mind was filled with memories, or ideas… Maybe they were distant dreams he was just remembering. But what he did know was that it was getting harder to separate them all from his reality. Especially when he was alone; but not when he was the rest of the boys… That was the only thing that made him feel right.

“Fifteen minutes until show time!” Their stage manager screamed into the room, making them all nod as they looked their way.

“Shit, I’ve got no shoes on!” Calum said as he sprung up from his seat and began to look around the room for the shoes he had taken off the second he had gotten there.

Ashton grabbed the shirt from beside him and stood up slipping it on and tossing a pillow at Michael. “Come on you lazy ass, we got a show to play.” He teased, making his friend grin as he tossed the pillow back.

“You forget you are only the drummer.” Michael said with a chuckle as he stood up as well.


 “I’m coming!!!” I scream as I tied my hair up in a ponytail while running down the stairs. I could hear another pound on the door before I actually managed to yank it open. Without any real hello or any permission to enter, Heather marched right in plastic bags and her famous overnight bag in her arms.

“I got ice cream, oreos and chips to lasts us for the next twenty-four hours while your parents are away this weekend. I am also not leaving until they get back.” She said as she set the things on the dinning table and turned towards me with hands on her hips.

I could feel her judging my shorts, t-shirt and wet hair as she looked at me; her lips tugging up at the corners.

“I also hope you’ll dress up a little more because we’re going out. Don’t think I am going to keep tolerating these sulking bullshit you got going on. Might be working with your mom and dad but not with me. We are going out and we are having fun and I know just what we can do.” She added.

“You really don’t waste time.” I say, my eyes rolling as I slam the door shut and head over to the kitchen to get some spoons. I was really craving ice cream since she mentioned it. And knowing Heather, it was Half Baked flavor because it was my favorite.

“Where you dragging me to?” I asked because I’d known Heather long enough to know that it was useless to argue with her when her mind was made up.

A Simple Mistake || Ashton Irwin (completed)Where stories live. Discover now