Part 15: Mia

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Playlist: Haunted by Taylor Swift, Come back be here by Taylor Swift, Amnesia by 5 seconds of summer, Photograph by Ed Sheeran, Half a Heart by One Direction, These Four Walls by Little Mix

The soft morning light coming in through my window curtains woke me up, making me shift uncomfortably in my bed. I didn’t want to get up or even face my parents yet. It felt quite nice to be left to the silence, to the privacy of my bed room.

My feet stepped on the soft rugged floor as I made my way to the bathroom, the soft hairs tickling the bottom of my feet.

I could hear the soft sound of the radio, muffled through the many walls that separated her bedroom from the kitchen. I could imagine my mother, arguing out loud over whatever they were discussing that day or humming softly to a song as she went over her daily duties.

The bathroom door closed behind me, knocking me back into the silence. Time felt still whenever I was surrounded by silence; I didn’t feel dizzy about the constant movement of the world around me. All of it felt so strange to me all of a sudden; as if I was a stranger in her own life.

Slowly I went about my morning routine. My teeth were brushed, my face was washed, my hair was tied up in a ponytail and I changed out of my night clothes. I did it all as slowly as I could; taking as long as I could so I didn’t have to talk to my parents about the trip. Even then, I didn’t take nearly as long as I wished.

Angrily I picked up my suitcase and pulled it onto the bed. Unpacking seemed like the route to go, I could do my laundry and maybe even begin packing my clothes once again for when I left for New York in a week for orientation.

I picked up the black box and tossed all of the items inside the suitcase onto my bed, some of them rolling around and falling onto the floor. Despite the neatly placed boxes and things around my room, the chaos on the bed felt more at home with my feelings at the moment.

I grabbed the laundry basket from the bathroom and began sorting out through the items of clothing. I didn’t have much laundry to do since I had washed a lot of things at the hotel but still, it wasn’t the same as washing in the comfort of your own home.

Except, my home didn’t brought me comfort anymore; home didn’t feel like home because something was missing… A part of me was missing because he had taken it with him and I had brought back a piece of him with me.

I shook the thoughts of him away from my mind and continued sorting, grabbing the basket once I was done and heading down the stairs and towards the basement. My friends always thought it was a bit creepy that our basement was also our laundry room but I always liked it. Whenever I did my laundry, I would enjoy my town down here. My dad had turned it into a second family room, packed up with a television and couch.

Once I was down there I began to sort things into a pile, tossing a few items into the machine as I did. I didn’t turn the television on like I usually did, today I enjoyed the silence.

“Is this yours?” My mother asked as she came down the steps towards the laundry room, interrupting my silence. I looked up from the small piles of clothing and towards her as she walked up to me holding a small gray ball. My heart almost beat out of my chest, half of me hoping that what she was holding wasn’t what I thought it was.

“Yeah it is,” I mumbled, trying to sound as calm as I could as I reached for the gray sweater she was holding in her hands.

“I hadn’t seen it before; did you get it in LA?” She asked, beginning to help me sort through my laundry. I stood frozen in place as I opened up the sweater in my hands, my fingers tracing over the soft knitted fabric.

“Umm yeah I did…” I whispered, bringing it over to my chest for a moment. I wouldn’t be able to run away from him, the memories would always be there, the small tokens from my trip that made me remember that it had all truly happened.

“It will come in handy in New York in the fall.” My mother said with a smile, oblivious to the turmoil of emotions going through me.

“That’s what I thought. This doesn’t need to be washed, though, must have fallen into the basket by accident.” I told her, forcing a smile as I turned on my heels to head back upstairs. “I’ll just put it away in my room.” I added before I disappeared, quickly before she could say another word.

My feet didn’t stop until my bedroom door had closed behind me, the material in my hand feeling heavier than the suitcase I had lifted this morning. I brought it up to my face slowly, smelling the fabric as my eyes filled with tears again. His scent still lingered there, not as strongly as the day he had given it to me but it was still there.

I slowly slid down the door and onto the floor, the fabric clutched to my chest as it began to ache again. I missed him, and I hated myself for missing him… Would I ever just stop missing him?

(Author's Note: Hey guys, I know this is another short chapter but I promise I have been writing loads more this week so hopefully more updates on the way real SOON! Don't forget to vote and comment! <3 )

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