Part 8: Ashton

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Playlist: Mr. Right by A Rocket to the Moon –Wrapped Around Your Finger by 5 Seconds of Summer – Catch Me by Demi Lovato – Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavigne – I Miss You (cover) by 5 Seconds of Summer – Return the Favor by All Time Low


He pressed the ignore button on his phone for the third time that afternoon. He hadn’t been entirely honest with Mia but when opportunity knocked on your door you seized it. He might have been skipping on a meeting or two this afternoon which explained why Calum was calling him for the thir-fourth time this afternoon.

Without hesitating he turned his phone off as he watched Mia walk over to him with two ice cream cones in her hand.

“You know, I didn’t really have to bring you yours.” She said, attempting an attitude but if only she knew that she simply sounded cute when she was annoyed.

“I know, but I would have missed the amazing view.” He teased, making her scoff in annoyance as she sat down beside him on the towel. She offered her hand over as she licked the already melting ice cream off of her cone.

“Why California?” He asked as he took the cone and began to eat it; watching her intently. Heather had dragged her off earlier to get some ice cream when they were in the middle of a conversation. He wasn’t wasting any time in continuing to learn more about her.

Now as he watched her again in the sunlight he noticed the few freckles on her nose that poked out from underneath her sunglasses, the way her hair blew in the wind. She really didn’t look like anybody else in California. She wasn’t fake or looking for attention, she just was. Or so it seemed that way to Ashton.

“I just graduated, thought it would be nice to have one last adventure before college.” She murmured, pushing her hair behind her ear before looking at him. He realized he liked that, the way she would push her hair back or lick her lips. “I had friends here so why not?” She added.

“So you’re going to college?” He questioned, mocking an impressed tone as he looked at her. He actually got an elbow hit from her which was all he wanted, to spite her.

“New York University.” She told him, her chest puffing up in pride. She was actually proud of herself, showing off her skills as if he understood how prestigious or huge that actually was for her.

“So you’re a Washington girl, adventuring in California but dreaming about New York?” He teased, his lips lifting in a crooked smirk. 

“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.” She murmured, her bottom lip slightly budging out in a pout before she looked back at the ocean and continued eating her ice cream.

He scooted closer to her and dug his feet into the warm sand. “I never said that.” He told her, nudging her with his shoulder.

“I want to learn more about the world, I rarely left home while growing up… The only way I can be a good writer is if I experience things myself instead of reading about them.” She murmured softly, chewing on her bottom lip after she had finished talking. A habit that he assumed was caused when she was thoughtful.

“So you want to be a writer?” He asked her with a smile, resting his arms on his knees. The beach wasn’t too crowded today and he was happy about that. He wasn’t worried about anything else but her.

“Now you’re just teasing me!” She accused with a pout, getting to her feet and slipping off her shirt and flip flops. Getting ready to join her friends in the water, ending their conversation. His eyes traveling over her body for a moment before he got up as well. He wasn’t letting that happen. He wasn’t skipping two meetings to have her run off again.

A Simple Mistake || Ashton Irwin (completed)Where stories live. Discover now