Part 4: Ashton

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A loud fist pounding on his door woke him up with a start. He couldn’t remember when during the early hours of morning he had managed to get some sleep but now apparently he was late.

“Ashton! Come on lad, wake up!” Calum’s muffled voice came through the hotel door making him groan in annoyance and cover his head with the pillows. He hadn’t even heard his annoying alarm clock ringing.

“Just get in there and drag him out of bed. We can’t be late again.” Michael’s voice joined in, quieter since he wasn’t talking to Ashton but probably to the other boys. He did not want to be dragged out of bed but he knew his friend was right. No matter how miserable he felt he couldn’t act like it and make the boys late again.

“I’ll be out in five minutes…” He grumbled, lazily rolling out of bed and padding over the cool carpeted floor towards the bathroom. Looking at himself in the mirror, he realized he looked just as badly as he felt.  Blood shot eyes. Bags and dark circles under his eyes. Unshaven face.  And hair sticking out in every direction.

Definitely nothing like the comforting memory of her eyes or the way she would always have to look up at him, making him gaze into the warm chocolate color… Had he made a mistake?


“What took you so long?” Calum called out as I climbed up the last step into the tour bus. He was looking at me with a suspicious look in his eyes like he was ready to tell on me or maybe tease me. You could never be too sure with Calum.

“Some girl took the last peach tea so I had to choose something else.” I told him simply with a shrug as I showed him my new choice of lemon tea.

“Of course it had to be a girl…” Calum said rolling his eyes before he sat up to make space for me on the ‘band couch’. “What she look like? Tall, blonde and wants to be an actress?” He said in a mocking tone. His opinion was that every girl in California was the same, especially if they lived in Los Angeles.

“Sorry to tell you but no.” I said with a huge grin, kicking my feet up. “Average height and brown hair, doesn’t look like the actress type.” I added before I took a drink from my tea. Calum’s face made me chuckle though; he was probably regretting not coming with me into the gasoline station while the driver filled up our tank.

“Don’t worry mate, I probably won’t ever see her again.” I said with a smirk as the other boys climbed up dressed in a fresh pair of clothes.

“See who again?” Michael asked as he finished fixing up his hair and sat down across from us, Luke following and sitting down as well.

“This girl I saw while I got some juice.” I said simply, not wanting to go into any more details because I meant it when I had said I probably would never see the cute girl who stole the last peach tea again.

And just like that the driver was on the bus and we were on the move again. Off to a new hotel since somebody had been nice enough to publish exactly where they had been staying the last time, forcing them to move out of the house they had rented for their time in the states.


How wrong had he been? He though as he finished slipping on his red bandana on his head and grabbed his backpack from the corner of the room.

“Let’s go.” He told the boys as he walked past them as he left his room, he definitely didn’t want to stick around the hotel any longer, not if there was any chance that he would run into her again.

“Ash, are you okay?” Luke asked as he caught up with him when he reached the elevator, hitting the button a little bit more harshly that he should of.

“I’m fine, just tired.” He said, his eyes never leaving the doors he desperately wished would open already.

(Author's note: Hey guys! Here is another chapter update, I am not sure how often I wll update this story but as soon as I finish a chapter I will upload them. Promise! Please vote and leave comments! <3)

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