Part 23: Ashton/Mia

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Playlist: (Confession, truth is I only listened to Marianas Trench while writing this update. I AM OBSESSED! You should check them out, if you don’t take my word for it just know that Ashton likes them too lol) By Now by Marianas Trench, B Team by Marianas Trench, Cross my Heart by Marianas Trench, All to Myself by Marianas Trench, Good To You by Marianas Trench, So Soon by Marianas Trench, Love Dearest by Marianas Trench, Say Anything by Marianas Trench, Perfect by Marianas Trench, and Beside You by Marianas Trench.


The plane came to a complete halt and he stood up and stretched his legs and arms before nudging a sleepy Calum with his foot.

“Wakey wakey dork, we landed.” He said with a grin. Calum mumbled under his breath and rubbed his face a few times before he opened his eyes to look at Ashton.

“Last show and we’re in New York.” Calum pointed out with a tired smile, that was quickly followed by a yawn.

“Yeah.” He simply said as he walked past him towards the aisle to grab his carry on. He could see Michael and Luke doing the same from a few rows back. This was it, just one more show and they would be taking a long deserved break.

“How do you feel about that?” Calum questioned as he stood up and reached over Ashton for his back pack.

“How do I feel about our last show in New York? Pumped,  but I have a feeling that you are asking about how I feel about the slim chance that I might bump into Mia or about the fact that you are scared I might go looking for her now that we are in the city?” He murmured, his voice trailing off at the end.

Mia was not a subject they talked about much since Seattle; and Seattle had happened two months ago. The truth was it felt better if he didn’t talk about it or even thought about it; out of sight, out of mind. The truth was that that was something easier said and done.  What made it a little easier was the fact that he was always busy. They always had an interview, a signing, a meet and greet, a gig or anything that kept him occupied and made him tired at the end of the day.

“He’s still moody about that subject, Cal-pal.” Michael said, elbowing Ashton playfully to lighten the mood. Ash chuckled and slipped his headphones around his neck.

“So are you? Going to look for her?” Luke asked as he urged the guys to keep walking since people were getting annoyed by them blocking the way.

“I don’t know; she made it quite clear that she didn’t want to talk to me again.” Ashton said with a shrug. “Or probably see me for that matter.” He added.

“Can you blame her mate, you lied.” Michael pointed out, his hands stuffed inside his hoodie as they walked towards the luggage claim. “Monumentally big time lied!” He added getting Calum to shoot a look before he spoke.

“That is beside the point; we’re in New York and ending our tour and going home. Nothing can ruin that. I say tonight we celebrate.” Cal said.

“Does celebration include dinner? I’m starving.” Luke said.

“Urgh, can we do something besides room service. All hotel food tastes the same.” Michael added; his tone and words expressing exactly how they all felt about the topic.

“As soon as we’re settled in we’ll go for an adventure.” Ashton joined in, getting a huge grin from Calum as he wrapped his arm around him.

“I think it should be a Chinese adventure!” Calum said.

“Or maybe like some… Heather?” Michael said, making them stop in their tracks and look back at him. To Ashton’s surprise there stood the red-headed girl they had met back in Los Angeles, except this time around she was a chocolate brown brunette. “What are you doing here?” Michael continued to exclaim as he wrapped the girl up in his arms for a tight hug.

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