Part 20: Mia/Ashton

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DISCLAMER: This chapter is a little crazy, it will go back and forth between the two of them and I am not sure if you guys will get it or like it but I thought it worked better this way because all of it is happening at once and I kind of wanted to mix things up… Hope you like it? Haha xx

Playlist: Without those Songs by The Script,Style by Taylor Swift, I Wish You Would by Taylor Swift, Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra, The One That Got Away by Katy Perry, Half a Heart by One Direction, Love Hurts by Incubus, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol


He could hear the boys introducing themselves, his fingers fidgeting with his earpiece as he waited for his turn.  As soon as Michael was done and the three of them looked at him he chuckled and licked his lips before pulling the microphone closer to his lips.

“Wassup Seattle, I’m just the drummer but you guys can call me Ashton.” He said; his arm rose up to point at the crowd.  He adjusted his earpiece once again as the crowd went crazy at his introduction. He chuckled into the microphone and scanned the crowd, a sea of faces looking back at them. Screaming and holding up their cameras to catch every single moment forever. As he watched this he felt the adrenaline run through him as he drew from their excitement. Every show was the same.

“So are you guys ready to hear more music or what?” Ashton screamed, pushing the microphone away and just like that the show rolled on. Song after song playing. And just like their excitement, the crowd became louder and louder. It was safe to say this had been their best show yet in the states.


The more they played the more I felt like I was suffocating. The air short, I could feel my throat closing up as tears filled my eyes. And no matter how excited the crowd around me was, I was slowly dying inside.

Every memory came rushing back in flashes, heated moments between the two of us. Everything that had happened between us.

I was left breathless.

And the truth was I didn’t feel like I was living anymore. I felt tortured by being here. I could no longer hear the crowd; I could no longer hear the music. I was just staring at the boy who had broken me smiling and laughing.

Without telling Heather, I turned around and began pushing my way out of the venue. I needed to get out of there before I broke down again. I needed fresh air. I needed to breathe.

The seconds passed and I felt that I would die if I did not get out of there, nasty look from girls every time I stumbled against them. People staring because they couldn’t understand why I would be storming out of there.

And as soon as my hands pushed the doors open and the cool night air rushed through me, that I felt my lungs open up and take it all in. I crouched down against the wall, elbows on my knees as I tried to breathe.

Heather shouldn’t have made me come. She shouldn’t had forced me to come here. I didn’t need closure. I was fine. I was doing fine. I had it all figured out.

Now this pain… I didn’t want this pain anymore… I didn’t want to cry anymore… But I heard as the sob escaped my shaky lips, my hand covering them and preventing any other sound from escaping as I felt the hot tears finally spill.

“Mia…” I heard a woman say, she was coming closer. She was holding a cigarette in her hands and as soon as she was close enough I realized who it was. Nicole.

She was the boy’s hair stylist and we had met a few times whenever I had tagged along with Ashton to work. We had definitely spent a lot of time together at the boy’s concert in LA.

A Simple Mistake || Ashton Irwin (completed)Where stories live. Discover now