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Cho-hee :"ta-tae n-no please !! " I begged looking at him with pleading eyes but he ignored my gaze and went away stomping his feets , just when I started burst out with tears ......

I cried and cried harder grabbing my belly ..... Why can't I deserve love in this world ...... Am I cursed with something . I never hurted anyone but instead everyone wants to hurt me and betray me as much as I love em . It's my fate *crying but wh-why you have to suffer for it huh !? * I said while caressing my belly ...... n-no .... N-no never I will never let anyone harm you baby ..... You are my soul and everything . If you die . I'll die . You're the only one for me now .

Stood up as I heard him having a word with doctor ..... I leaned in door but my eyes got widen as deep dark tint appeared in them . Got an experience of Fear , anger , sadness and sorrow in my eyes as I heard them sayin ....

Tae " is any abortion doctor available doctor !"

She got shocked at his sentance

Doctor " but sir why u --"

Tae " we just don't want a baby right now so ....."

Doctor " um....*hesitate .. alright sir I will provide u a doctor . She is present here .... "

After that she left

A gasp left my mouth I forcefully got on the bed as he came in and sat again infront of me . But he wasn't looking at me .

Cho-hee " taehyung (Soft yet cracked voice)".

He hummed still not looking at me .

Cho-hee " don't d-do this pl-ease am begging you please *sobs*sobs"

He was not even gazing at me little did I knew he is hurt seeing me like that but I won't trust on him now . He stood up as our eyes met cold to dark .

He coldly informed .

Taehyung "stop being stubborn ! A doctor is comin for abortion "

After saying this he left me again. 

But thi time I didn't cried . Now I'll fight ..... Fight for u baby . I will save . M-moma  will save you from demon .

Time skip
After half an hour

Taehyung's pov

Should I ....... ACCEPT this child . I knew choohee consumated with me only so yes that child is mine ..... I took a deep breath keeping aside every thought and HEEJIN.  And went towards the room .

I love you chohee and now I won't make u suffer more . I will apologise u for my every mistake and actions that broke u . I wont accept that you killed hee-jin but I can't get over with that . I will love u no matter what ...... suddenly , I started to tearing up ...... I am sorry baby I was behaving like jerk hour ago . ..... I won't let our baby go anywhere . I need you and a family .

I smiled as I entered her room again but it droped ........ SHE IS NOT HERE ...!!!!

Meanwhile :

Yes I escaped from there cuz I promised my baby that I'll protect him . But .....the thing is where will I go ??..... I was crossing an empty road as it was dark . But a car light made my eyes dimmed as it stoped infront of me .

"Wh-who *confused "


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