It's Been 13 Years Already

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Chapter thirty-five: "It's Been 13 Years Already"

It was night out and a yawn escaped from my mouth, I stretched my tired arms and I sat flat on the soft carpet that the twins have in their penthouse

My body was tired, so I close my eyes and I unconsciously fell asleep


I shuffled myself on a soft bed

Slowly I opened one of my eyes to see that I am on Cloud's bed in his bedroom
How did I get here? Last time I check I fell asleep at the Twin's home

My hand searched for my hotdog pillow to cuddle when suddenly the door from the master's bathroom opened, I pretended to be asleep but peek at him with my eyes half-closed

He was wearing sweatpants and was shirtless, his broad back was facing my view. He dried his hair with a towel and was looking at himself in the mirror
I forgot about the mirror

He saw me with my eyes half open then turned his head to look at me, a smirk formed on his lips as I try to quickly shut my eyes close
Don't ask me how I know that because before I quickly close my eyes I saw his lips

I felt both of my sides on the bed were pushed down and there was that bad feeling in my gut that Cloud is up to something again, my body rolled so I am now sleeping on my back. A finger was tracing my jawline and I have to open my eyes to see what the heck is Cloud doing

His piercing green eyes were looking down at me, his arms were both at my side like he pinned me on the bed
"Angel" he said my nickname that he chose for himself to call me sound so natural coming out of his mouth

He was still shirtless and I could see his sculpted body
He is a model after all so there is no surprise there

"What?" I told him, My voice was raspy because I just woke up from sleeping

"You were peeking~" he sang and I shoved him off of me that made him fall off the bed

"Says the one who is pinning me on the bed, pervert" I mumbled the perverted one quietly that only I could hear but of course I didn't underestimate Cloud's sharp hearing ability that he is also gifted with

He chuckled yet groaned in pain as he try to sit on the bed after he fell on the floor, "have you lost weight?" He asked, I gave him a bewildered look

I lifted my shirt a bit to check my flabs that even though I lost some weight in the past few years they are still there when I sit in a slouch position, I was eating moderately these days and I stopped my dieting just last year

"I-I am?" I pointed to myself, I was startled at that fact

He lifted his hand and held my chin and jawline "your jawline became more defined and your plump cheeks are gone"

"Thank you, that is the most nicest thing you said to me in 13 years" I said and he furrowed his brows like he was deep in thoughts

"It's been 13 years already" he repeated what I just said and I nodded, I'm more baffled at the fact that we are frenemies for 13 years and not a single thing changed about our relationship

With Danny, she became a friend to an enemy and as for Aiden I felt like I met him as a stranger because it had been long since we've been apart, everything changed so drastically that I was still processing everything that has happened to me in the past few years

I stood up and searched for my bag as Cloud was still deep in thoughts as he was sitting on the bed, I felt like he was watching my every move. His intense gaze was making me nervous but I don't know why

"Looking for this?" Cloud pulled my phone out of his sweatpants pockets and was waving it at me

I gave my hand out for him to put my phone on but he wasn't planning to give it to me "after you admit that I look hot" he teased

"Go to hell that's where is hot, just give me my phone" I try to get my phone out of his hands but his reflexes were quicker than mine so he has an upper hand, "even after all these years you are still so slow, not only physically" he mocked me which resulted in him getting hit in the face with my hotdog pillow

I hit him with the pillow like a baseball bat, He stood up which made me stop hitting him. I turned my back at him and went for the door
"You were being mean"

I closed the bedroom door and sat in the library, I brushed my teeth in the bathroom that was in the library. Since Cloud looked like he was about to sleep I decided to let the tutoring for today slide since I have never seen him look so eager to sleep before

My hands touched every spine of the book on the bookshelf, I found one huge bookshelf that was dedicated to only fiction
At least he has some taste in choosing a story

I spent my whole time in the library as I was so immersed in the thriller/Fantasy novel, I heard footsteps become louder and there were two grey slippers at my side

Cloud sat beside me and waited for me to notice him but I turned my back on him, sure that was an immature move but he was being mean so this is the thing that I could show him that I was angry

"Hey-" "don't talk to me I'm angry" I cut him off, he went silent

"We should continue the study" he stood up and took books that are related to Eng Lit and set them on the centre table

"I don't feel like studying" I spoke up and he stopped at himself who was getting another book to add the 7 stacked books at the table

"Fine." He left the room and I can hear him slam the door shut loudly, I gave out a sigh of relief when I suddenly heard my phone's  ring tone

Cloud left my phone on the centre table, I checked the caller ID and it was Aiden. I hesitated to answer the call since my ridiculous outburst this morning

It was late in the night and he was calling me, I took a peek out the door to see Cloud who was out on the terrace again

I pressed the answer call button and I heard Aiden's voice "Hey Pip"

"Aiden" I told him by calling out his name, I heard music in the background

"Guys I'll be out for a minute!" He yelled at some people in the background and I heard a faint


"Go ahead"

"Be back quickly"

I heard him go out and turn our phone call into a video chat, I didn't open my camera though. Aiden has a worried look as he was waiting for me to open my camera, I didn't

"What do you want?" I asked him, he put on a smile

"Pip could you turn on your camera? I want to see your face"

There is something about his request that made my heart skip a beat but I ignored it, I rolled my eyes then pressed the camera button

As soon as my camera opens I put on an indifferent look at him, he scratched the back of his neck "look, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you"
He understands why I am like this, great

As soon as my camera opens I put on an indifferent look at him, he scratched the back of his neck "look, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you"He understands why I am like this, great

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