Crazy In Love

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Chapter one hundred thirty-two: "Crazy In Love"

Cloud's POV

We have boarded the bus 3 hours ago, The twins, my brother's, Angel's friends and my mother came with me on this ride
Just 2 more hours

He hired a bus driver and rented a while bus for ourselves

"Now remember dude, you should wait until tomorrow to meet her" Nick told me as he ate an apple slice

I stopped petting the bunny who was sleeping on my bag that was resting on my lap "Why? I wanted to see her"
It's only logical that I would want to see her once I reach the station

Nikki looked down at her phone "Wyett informed me that she is going to have a performance tomorrow, if you appear in front of her now it would only distract her"
I guess that's true

My phone buzzed with a notification from Yara, she sent me the price of the dress and Angel's hair in a low bun. The photo of her has her in front of a white piano with tired eyes

"Send her to sleep, Angel tends to be cranky if she doesn't have her right amount of sleep" I messaged Yara

She replied to me "Roger that"

I ordered Wyett this morning to inform Angel's friends of everything because I needed their cooperation too, they're the only ones I can rely on watching over her

"Hey Cloud" Will called me from his seat

"What's the plan?" Alice asked me

I held Bun-bun gently to show them "We use Bun-bun as our bait"

Ever since Angel told me that she likes bunnies I asked her sisters if she ever has a history of liking them, it was before they stopped talking to me. Wendy told me when she sees a bunny she can't control herself and would constantly pet and feed them

Everybody looked at me with pure confusion written all over their faces "A bunny?"

Benjamin looked up at Mom "Mom I think Cloud is crazy"

"Yeah crazy in love that is" Dustin teased me and everybody gave me a smug face including Mom and Benjamin


We finally arrived at the bus station. Yara, Peter, and Daisy's friends along with Wyett all waited for us

Wyett stepped forward to greet me "It's good to see you, sir"
He may be older than me but I did hire him, I still give him the same respect I give to people older than me

Daisy glared at me "I swear if Penelope wasn't here I would have punched you right now from how you treated her" the guy and girl behind her was trying to hold her back from getting close to me

Nick popped out right behind me and looked at the two "You guys are?"

The girl's eyes widened, she was so in shock that she wasn't speaking so the guy beside her spoke on her behalf "I'm Max and this is my sister, Mira"

Nikki gave out her hand to shake Mira "I'm Nikki"

"We know!" They both chimed excitedly

Yara sighed "If you didn't threaten me you wouldn't be here today, I feel like I betrayed Penelope" she crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks

Once I found out that Peter and Yara were the people who also knew where Angel's location was, I threatened Yara that if she doesn't give me Angel's exact location I would ask every book store and the authors to ban her from reading all of their Ero-romance novels and that she isn't allowed to buy books in their shop

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