Secret Special Project

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Chapter fifty-eight: "Secret Special Project"

Fast forward to Saturday morning, I was met with Dustin and Benjamin playing Wii in the penthouse living room after I walk out of the bedroom when I woke up. Cloud was not in sight anywhere and he didn't even leave a single note to where he was going
Not that I care anyway

I grabbed the leftover Chili from last night and shoved it in the microwave, Benjamin saw me and he left the couch to hop in my direction

"Good Morning!" He said to me with so much energy

I bent down to pat his head "Morning to you too Benji, by the way, have you seen Cloud?" I turned my head around to look around

"He said to me that he is going somewhere and that he will be back in the afternoon, I think it is a secret special project" he shrugged before walking away, I managed to grab his shoulder to stop him "What do you mean by a secret special project?" I raised both brows at him in curiosity

He shaked his head as he went back to sit beside Dustin
Where could that guy be?

I heard the microwave ding so I grabbed the bowl out of the microwave and ate it in peace, Cloud loves the chili last night because he ate three bowls before he got full or maybe it's because he got too hungry from all the laps he did during Gym
Either way, he ate the chili like it's his last meal

Dustin groaned so loudly that startled me to let go of the spoon accidentally, he lost a game to Benji and it was a Mario Karts game. I giggled at their interaction with each other as brothers

When I opened the fridge it was empty
Looks like I have to buy groceries, I think I remember putting the card in my bag

Since Nikki, Nick, and Cloud always eat together they would always chip in at the grocery cost and I would always do the cooking so I have done my part. They all would put their money together in a small bank account and I was in charge of keeping the card of that bank account safe

"Do any of you want to go with me to buy groceries?" I asked the two by the elevator, Dustin and Benjamin quickly put down their gaming consoles and joined me in the elevator. Turns out Dustin has a car, a really expensive one in fact

"I'll drive, I need to get something at the store too" he mumbled as he inserted the keys at the driver's side to open the other doors, Benji wanted to sit at the front but Dustin didn't want him "No, I'm the owner so I get to be in charge" he ordered Benji to behave at the backseat


A normal Saturday morning is just the cherry on top of what I am about to witness in the grocery store, while we passed by the candy aisle Benji wanted a chocolate bar "I dunno Benji, do you have the money for that? Since I only have enough money to buy groceries"

He pulled a superman themed wallet out of his jacket and pulled out 20 dollars "I think I can pay for that chocolate bar Penelope" he grinned at me

Dustin ruffled his hair as he puts oats in the basket "If you eat too much you might have to visit Dr. Poppy"

Benjamin shivered at the thought of going to the dentist "She is pretty but I don't like how she washes my teeth, the water keeps getting into my nose"

I snorted at the thought of imagining Benji trying to breathe but the dentist wouldn't let him because of the way she washes his teeth, Dustin pushed the shopping cart the opposite way to where I am supposed to get ketchup so I parted with the two to go to the condiments aisle. I remembered what brand the ketchup at Cloud's home is so I found it standing alone on a shelf

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