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Chapter one hundred three: "Laughable"

When we all were returning to our rooms the twin told us they were gonna go explore outside of the hotel, Aiden wanted to come with me but Cloud stopped him. They got into a glaring contest if I didn't stop them it would've turned into something bad

Abby looks like she was gonna pop from holding her anger for too long that it was scary to be around her at the moment

Once Aiden knew he wasn't gonna come to my reunion he puts on a sad puppy face to me while hugging my arm, Cloud was pretty pissed off at Aiden at this point so he shoved his face away from me

"Get your face away from her"

"I was starting to ask why to you since your nothing but a deal to her" Aiden retorted
I was thankful the twins and Abby are were returning to their rooms far away from these two

Soon both of their hands started to become fists, all of this is happening at the remote parts of the hotel. I went between them to stop them from coming closer and punch one another

I laid my hand at Aiden's shoulder "Aiden I think it's almost time for my reunion I don't want you to also get hurt"

Aiden shot Cloud a smug smile "Very well if that what the lady wants" he grabbed my hand then pulled me close to him that he kissed my cheek right in front of Cloud "Then ok"

Cloud pulled me away from Aiden's arms immediately then growled lowly shooting death glares in Aiden's direction

Aiden decided to make fun of Cloud so he said before leaving "See you later Angel" he winked at me right after
He used my nickname that Cloud doesn't want to share with anyone, he even told his best friend off that the nickname Angel will only be used by him

We aren't even dating officially so what's with the possessiveness because of a simple nickname?

When Aiden was finally far away from us, Cloud's arms that were tightly around me finally loosened. He turned me around to face him and used the end of his sleeves to try and remove the kiss from Aiden

His lips were formed into a thin line from being too concentrated, he rubbed it gently trying not to hurt me in the process. While running my left cheek he cupped my right cheek

"Not enough, let's wash it with soap and water once we get back to the hotel room" he immediately grabbed my hand as he lead the way back to our room

His back was facing mine but when I closely look at his ear, it was red
Is he that angry?

He held my hand tightly not wanting to let go even for the slightest bit, if this were a contest, I would crown Cloud for being the king of sending mixed signals every hour.

1 hour before, he would tease and annoy me but when Aiden comes into the picture in the next hour, he was a hot mess

When we finally reached our bedroom he dragged me to the bathroom and made me sit at the bathroom countertop, he found my crunchy laying on top of the towel and he tied my hair into a low ponytail before wetting up a towel with soap and water then put it on my face

He cleaned my entire face but he put more focus on the cheek where Aiden kissed me, he was muttering profanities and cursing Aiden while scrubbing it

"Cloud this is ridiculous"

"I don't think it is, he kissed you!"

"On the cheek!" I added
Why on earth is he acting this way, I mean it is adorable but c'mon

He found a dry towel and gently dried my face, he leaned into the counter and putting his arms at both of my sides "I don't like him and so should you"

"Cloud I don't know what happened between you and Aiden all those years ago but I beg of you to not try and hurt each other"

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