5 Days

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Chapter one hundred seventeen: "5 Days"

Classes finally ended
Thank God

I stretched my arms and legs once I stood up from my chair, Daisy walked up to me "Ready to work again in the ice cream shop?"

Ah yes, the best memories of the time I spent here are the ice cream shop and the field of dandelions

"You go first I'll catch up with you, there is somewhere that I wanna go first" I started packing my bag when suddenly Daisy grabbed my notebook when I was supposed to grab it

"I won't give this to you until you tell me where you are going, have you forgotten?" She looks around at the now empty classroom "Cloud is looking for you so anyone here might be a suspicious"
I guess she is right about it

"I'll accompany her" we heard a male voice that came from the door, Aiden was waiting there while fixing the strap of his bag. Daisy now has a smug face, her hand went to my back and pushed me towards Aiden

"I'll go there first be sure to come" she squealed a little while walking away with her quick feet, before she could disappear she gave me a wink
Daisy must be matchmaking us

I walked up to Aiden and smiled up at him "Let's go"

He answered me by giving me a small salute with two fingers

We walked side by side slowly at the shoreline, the sun was setting but some tourists were still swimming in the sea. Two kids ran past us while holding hands and laughing out loud

Soon we finally arrived at the field, I set my bag down on a log and walked around feeling nostalgic when I see the view that I fell in love with when I was little. I can feel Aiden's presence behind my back "You seem down for the entire day, are you ok Pip?" I heard him whisper closely to my ear

His warm breath that brushed at the skin of my ear startled me that I have to step back, his Honey brown eyes that were filled with a feeling like I'm going to drown in them. His hand went to cup my face

"I'm fine"

"No, you're not" he insisted to me
"Not really" I tried to remove his hand on my face but he held both of my hands

"Why can't you forget about him? You're suffering alone because of him!"

I kept silent and didn't look at him in the eyes
I did promise myself to find someone who would truly love me but I can't erase him in my mind, moreover, everything I do keeps reminding me of him

He sighs then closes his eyes "Fine, Pip would you go out with me" he then opens his eyes then looks at me with a sincere look

That was straightforward that it caught me off guard

"Aide-" "I can make you forget him"

My eyes widened "What?"
What is he trying to do? Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

He squeezed my hands a little then started caressing it "I can help you but if you don't want that is fine" his eyes suddenly lost their shine
I can't hurt his feelings but if I accept it would be insincere

Maybe Aiden would be someone that can make me forget him, he did follow me here due to his kind heart and worry for me. I'll give him a shot

He looked embarrassed that he tried to hide his face behind his hair because he lowered his head, my hand went to touch his chin and gently made him face me "I'll give it a try"

His whole face lit up then he pulled my hand which caused my body to be close to him for a hug, his arms were wrapped around me. I could smell his scent since my face was close to the nook of his neck when he leaned down to hug me "On one condition" I said

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