That's A Fact

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Chapter fifty-four: "That's A Fact"

I got the remote and turned off the AC as I simultaneously opened the ceiling fan
This would help his fever

He was still sitting up and leaning at the headboard with his tired eyes glued to me, I sat beside him on the edge of the bed and forced him to lie down so I could tuck him in. I try to stand up and leave but he caught my wrist making me stop to look down on him "Don't leave, sleep with me"

"I'm not leaving anywhere you dumbass, I'm going to get the towel and put it on your forehead so your fever will go down. Even if I leave I still need to return to sleep beside you since the twins took the two guest bedrooms in the penthouse so I have no choice but to sleep with you. By the way, the way you said it made it weird and awkward for me" I told him

He smirked "Why? Are you thinking of something dirty Angel?" Mocking me which made me flick his forehead

"Don't even think that just because you're sick you are invincible to my violence Marshall"

"Darn Angel, even all of your sisters are violent" he rubbed his forehead

"It runs in the family, even my Grandmother slaps Grandfather's back when he says something annoying to her"

He was surprised at that fact "That could ruin his old spine" he commented

"Nah, the majority of their marriage is filled with Grandmother and Grandfather going against one another every day but damn their marriage is still going strong even after having 31 grandchildren and yes I counted my cousins from my Dad's side too since they consider them their grandchildren"

He rubbed both of his eyes and blinked multiple times, then he cleaned his ears with his pinky before asking "Could you repeat that? I think I misheard you saying you have 31 cousins" he chuckled

I gave him the look, I was being serious "Cloud, there are 31 of my cousins going on to 32 since Aunt Tilly is pregnant"

His jaw dropped "No fucking way, then how the hell do you guys manage then during the holiday reunions?! I could imagine that the food that you guys will be buying is like half of a grocery store"

I laughed "True, everybody in my family has a big appetite like me so it wouldn't be a surprise if we really took half of the grocery store" he shaped his head trying to process this shocking information about my family

"There is always one or two persons who will plan everything" I added before I went to get the wet towel to put it on his forehead and jumped on the bed with my face buried in the pillow

I turned my head to face him who has his eyes closed "I only have 12 cousins if I added it from both of my parent's sides of the family" he muttered to me

I turned my entire body so I could face him properly with my arm under the pillow "Do you enjoy family reunions?"

He shakes his head slowly "I hated it, all of them only come to save face and to keep rubbing themselves close to Grandma since she is still sick and they wanted a piece of anything in her will if she died" he gripped his hand making a vein from his arm show

"Those low-lying fake little shits" he grumbled, I put a hand on his shoulder "Then I guess you would always not attend"

He nodded to me "If your family is all money, better expect that some family members just wanted more being the greedy fuckers they are"

"That sounds depressing"

"That's just how it is Angel, it's how my family functions. It's just not normal"

"All of our families are not normal"

He opened his eyes and turned to look at me "That's a fact"

I grinned "Would you believe me if what recent rumors in school about me are true?"

He thought for a moment then snapped his fingers "You mean the time you got angry at a teacher and you talked to him angrily in French? I kind of had a hard time believing in those rumors"

I rearranged my pillow position on my head "It's kind of true though, I did get angry at him and told him off in French"

He grinned at me with his squinted eyes "Nice joke Angel, I think you needed sleep too" he puts the duvet to cover me up to my shoulders

I looked at him seriously for a good minute and he seems to get the memo that I was telling the truth

Cloud furrowed his brows "Holy heck, I don't believe you. Prove it"

I rolled my eyes at him
"Cloud tu es un idiot et je pense que nous devrions dormir" (Cloud you're an idiot and I think we should sleep) I told him in my monotone voice

"Can you translate what you said to me? Because God knows that you might have been cursing me off" he told me, we were facing each other on the bed and I was a bit happy that it was big so the distance between us is huge also but even Cloud managed to make the gap between us smaller

"I said 'Cloud you're an idiot and I think we should sleep' and I am telling you the truth because that is what I just said" I gave him the 'You see? I am telling the damn truth' look

Cloud got even more interested in this topic "So what other languages can you speak?" He asked me but more eagerly like a little kid this time

"French, Chinese, Italian, German, Spanish, and Russian. I am still learning Japanese though and I'm getting good at it" I counted them all with my fingers, Cloud was not taking in the new information about me very well. It made everything he knew about me go down the drain

"You know what? I'm sleepy, yeah, let's go to sleep" he suggested and instantly turned his body around to face the other way

"Since when on earth did you even become sleepy? You had insomnia for 5 years and you're sleepy now!?" I violently shake Cloud to face me, he grabbed my hand and forced me to lie down beside him

I still keep shaking him and the look on his face is so done, so he pulled me into a tight hug "There now you won't move, you're warmer than I thought" he snuggled up more closer to me

My entire face was burning from the fact that I was close to Cloud on the bed and he doesn't even give any shit about it, my head was resting on his chest and his chin is resting on my head

My body struggled to get out of his strong hug and he even tightened it more so I couldn't move, I got tired because I used all of my strength. Looking up at his victory smile face he was enjoying taking in my struggle, I bit my bottom lip from anger "Darn you Cloud"

He gave me a smug look "Sure Angel, darn you too" then he closed his eyes and went to sleep, I could tell he was asleep because my head was close to his chest I could hear his light snore and his heartbeat was in a slow pace. I sighed
If I move even more he would pull me  more closely and I don't even know if there is any space between us anymore

Gosh darn, I can't even get angry at his sleeping face because he looks innocent and that is the word I won't even associate to Cloud

Gosh darn, I can't even get angry at his sleeping face because he looks innocent and that is the word I won't even associate to Cloud

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