It Was A Sneeze

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Titan opened his eyes when Damian woke and was sitting up.

Titan got up and jumped off the bed, yawning and stretching as he walked over to pick up a toy.

Once he reached the toy he picked it up and ran back to Damian, happily presenting the toy to him.

Damian was rubbing his eyes but when he saw the toy smiled a lityle and took it from Titan then threw it across the room.

Titan gasped and chased after the toy, jumping over Titus who stretched as he got up too.

"I got it!" Titan exclaimed as he jumped back into the bed, holding the toy in his mouth.

Under him was Garret who woke up annoyed.

"Titan, you imbecile! Get away from me" Garret yelled angrily.

Titan glanced down at Garret and his words were muffled by his toy. "I want to play"

Garret growled and said "Then go play in a corner, away from me, across the hall, without sound."

Titan would have said something but the sound of Damian sneezing made him drop his toy on Garret in surprise and bark out of fear of the sudden sound.

This drew a bark from Titus which made Titan freak out so he barked back which made Titus wonder what was happening resulting in another bark which set the rest of the animals off freaking out because the dogs only barked when Damian arrived and Damian was already here so they must be under attack so they all made their own sounds.

Of course this woke the entire house, and in a matter of seconds, Dick, Jason, Tim, Bruce, and even Alfred came running in as Damian tried to quiet his animals down.

"What happened?" Dick asked as he stood in his jurrasic park pajamas.

Jason was holding a gun, standing in his underwear as he tried to steady his tired eyes to find the source of the commotion.

Tim was brandishing a coffee pot which was most likely the thing he had been holding when he heard the noise and looked like he had been awake for hours which just might be the case. Beside him Bruce in his robe trying to decide if what the sound was was a threat, or just a hectic alarm.

Alfred had his sleeping cap on but looked like he sure it wasn't a threat.

Damian was calming an anxious Titan and Titus as he turned and said "I sneezed."

Garret scurried over to Titan, his paw shaking a little as he said "Look what you did Titan, why are you so scittish?"

Just then Titus's tail moved which made Garret jump and squeak as he climbed up Damian's arm to his shoulder and glared down at the tail.

Titan looked at Garret and said "I think this is gonna be a good morning!"

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