Titan Origin

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For the sake of the origin stories I'm  going to be using first person so you can read what they're feeling. 

Where was I? Where was I before? All I remember before was warmth, I couldn't see anything then but now, now I'm being crowded with something, someone! Oh, that was my brother, Tom. I know because I can smell him, everything smells so different than from the first time I could smell. That day I met my mom, my siblings, and the world for the first time but unlike that, I could open my eyes this time, so I do. 

My eyes open and reveal light, then my mother's nose. She sniffs me and moves to my sister. Seeing was a fairly new thing for me actually but I love it so much that I get up. It's time for adventuring! 

I yawn and stretch my body before walking out of the sleeping pile of my siblings. They didn't get it, they can see!  They should be walking around and using their legs that finally worked now! You know what? I'm gonna get Tom to play with me! 

I turn and jump up then pounce on him. He wakes up at that and yawns. I bite at him but I know it doesn't hurt. He finally gets up and crouches before jumping for me. We roll on the floor and playfully attack and nip at each other until we both stop. We hear the footsteps of someone and dash back to our mother to hide with her under something. Whenever we hear footsteps we hide. If we don't the man will come in and kick us out of the way. It hurts so hiding under something is always safer.  

The door opens and the feet of a man comes into view. The man is yelling angrily at someone but I hardly hear as I crawl deeper into my mother to avoid the loud sound. 

"This is your freaking problem! You wanted a dog and got a female! Now we have more mouths to feed without food!" The man screamed "I'm going to have to shoot them now!" 

"You can't shoot them!" A woman cried back. 

The door shut again and their muffled yelling slowly disappears. We wait for a moment before climbing out of our hiding spot. 

I sigh and walk over to the door then sit down in front of it. I wish I could see what was on the other side of this door, it would be so big I bet. My stomach growls and I whine. I don't remember the last time I had food. It had been a while, I knew that. 

My sister jumps on me and I smile then attack her back. 

I don't know her name. Only Tom got a name out of all of us, I suppose coming up with names for all seven of us would be hard. Maybe they ran out of ideas. Still, I wonder what it would be like to have a name to myself, my very own name! Tom was so lucky. 

The rest of the day I play with my family then go to sleep. Something strange happens though, a sound, like a clicking sound wakes me up. 

I lift my ears and open my eyes. The room is dark, but something is making that sound! 

"Mom!" I whisper loudly. I crawl out from under my sister and walk over to my mother's head. "Mom, what's that sound?" I ask. 

"Nothing sweetie, go back to sleep" Mother answers. 

"Oh, okay" I say with a nod as I turn to walk back to my spot  but I hear it again! I turn and walk past my mother "I'm gonna go figure out what it is" I whisper. 

She doesn't answer as I walk around the room, trying to pinpoint where the sound is coming from. I walk behind a box and see it. A little bug! The bug rubs it's wings together and makes the clicking noise. '

I've never heard a bug make this noise before! 

"Hello?" I ask. 

The bug stops and jumps forward quickly, like a frog! I know what a frog is because one once jumped in the way of the door before the man opened it. I never saw that frog again. 

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