Being Dogsat Is Hard Work

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Titus never liked when Damian left the house without him. If Damian was leaving the manor without the accompany of his dog then it would be because of three reasons.

One he was going to school, two he was going on patrol, and three he was forced to accompany his father to a party.

During these times when Damian was gone Titan would entertain himself in the backyard, or get distracted by the food Alfred cooked but Titus just missed Damian and would sit at the door until Damian returned.

Recently he had been venturing into Tim's room to sit on his bed.

Tim's room always smelled like the faint steam of coffee, and coffee was a safe smell when it wasn't coming in hordes. Tim was also quite nice and would talk to Titus randomly about cases he was trying to figure out. Titus would entertain himself by listening to Tim until he heard a car pull up or the spound of Damian's voice filled the air to when he would go and meet his owner once again.

But this time Tim was also leaving and Jason was dog sitting.

Bruce, Tim, and Damian were invited to a party that Alfred would have to drive them to.

Titan was excited to see Jason but Titus felt extra lonely today. He wanted to stay with Damian and quite honestly Damian seemed miserable to be leaving.

The way Damian had been talking it sounded like this party would be his death sentence and Titus didn't want to see his owner dying.

When the time came for Damian to leave Titus was whining loudly.

Damian turned back to Titus and frowned.

"Titus, are you okay?" Damian asked.

Titus sighed hevaiky and laid his heavy head on Damian's pant leg. He dragged his sad eyes up to look into Damian's green ones.

"I'll be back, if I don't die from Borden first" Damian grumbled.

"Damian come on!" Tim called.

Damian rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, Titus on his heels.

"I'm coming" Damian grunted once he reached the bottom of the stairs.

Jason looked over at Damian and said "Don't worry brat, I'll take care of your mutts."

"They aren't mutts, they are purebreds!" Damian snapped but Jason just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, go enjoy the punch" Jason said sarcastically.

"Don't feed them sausage" Damian warned at a Jason who hardly seemed to listen.

Damian scowled and turned to Titus he gave him a final pet as he turned and followed his father and Tim out.

When Titan ran into the room he saw Damian leave and Titus sigh.

Titan raised an eyebrow and dropped his ball that was in his mouth.

"Oh no, is he already gone? I didn't get to show him the ball I found" Titan sighed.

Titus looked back at Titan.

"He says he's going to die" Titus whined.

"Die?!" Titan exclaimed.

Jason sighed and turned "Alright come on, I'm ordering pizza" He grunted.

"Pizza?" Titan gasped in excitement, his tail wagging back and forth as he completely forgot about his owner "dying".

Titan followed Jason over to the kitchen where he called some pizza place.

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