OC Info

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The Royal Family
Zira Fiendling- The Queen of the Ether.
Eli Fiendling- The Crown Prince of the Ether.
Ezra Fiendling- The second prince of the Ether.
Erza Fiendling- The first princess of the Ether.
[Erza and Ezra are twins]
Louis Rylande- The step sibling after the queen remarried and has no claim to the throne.
Grant Rylande- Although titled as king he has no power in court.
[???]- The king of the Ether; MIA

The Freedom Fighters
Ares- A personal assassin raised to protect the royal twins;male
Boris- A spy for the queen set on Louis;male
Dries-A border guard;female
Finn- An escort for guests;male
Indra- Another escort;female
[more will be introduced as the story goes on]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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