4-The Party is Over

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Aliya is still trying to figure out how to respond over Yoongi's comment when Jungkook appeared grabbing her hand, as he pulls her towards the dancefloor. "I love this song, let's go dance." He said. She didn't have time to protest because he was walking too fast and she's having a hard time keeping up with him and her balance. She's grateful that she escaped the moment she was in earlier and Yoongi's prying eyes.

"Now can you please tell me why Taehyung literally dragged me to dance with you?" Jungkook whispered to Aliya as they got to the dance floor. She turned to look at her best friend who's now busy speaking with some guests who are leaving, with Jia next to him. He turned to her as if he knew she was looking and he gave her a smile before turning back his attention to the guests.

Aliya can only shake her head. "He didn't want me to be alone with Yoongi." She looked at Jungkook questioningly  "Is he really that bad with women?" She asked.

Jungkook shrugged. "He is a nice person and a great friend. He is just not the dating kind who'd hold your hand and text you sweet messages. Besides, I know you've drank too much and I get why Taehyung thinks you shouldn't be left alone with him."  

"I am not drunk for the nth time, and I know what I'm doing." Aliya said. She knew her alcohol tolerance is quite high although her friends loves to think otherwise. The last time they saw her drunk was when they threw a party for her when she finished high school. It wasn't a pretty sight to see because she was a complete mess, throwing up and having to be carried by Taehyung back at her mom's house. But after that, she had a lot of exposure to drinking alcohol when she was in college in the States.

"You seem to be asking a lot of questions about him, are you interested?" Jungkook teased giving her  his bunny smile.

"No, of course not. I am curious because I don't know him that much and, I just got to talk with him more than I normally would tonight and then Taehyung comes and tells me to stay away from him." Aliya explained talking faster than she normally would.

"Why are you stuttering? Defensive much eh Aliya?" He snickered making Aliya hit his arm which she knew barely hurt him.

"I am not being defensive. He is your friend and I am just being nice because I don't want to judge anyone based on a hear say." Aliya replied getting flustered over Jungkook's laugh while she talked.

"Ok," Jungkook said lifting both of his hands up when he saw her getting frustrated at him. "Listen, Taehyung is just giving you an advice. I will be saying the same thing too because I've seen Yoongi with women a lot of times, I won't get into details just trust me when I say, be a friend to him tomorrow when you are sober not tonight when you're drunk."

Aliya stared at her friend for a long time. What he said seems sensible, he is about the same age as Taehyung and Jimin but his advise is most profound. She nodded as it made sense, ok so maybe she will not take that challenge anymore.

Going back to their table after the dance, they found Yoongi gone. So maybe the challenge he asked earlier is forgotten now, she thought with a sigh of relief and regret? Why would she feel regret over that? Shit, maybe she is drunk.

Nari and Namjoon sat next to her. "Where are the others?" Jungkook asked as he finished drinking a glass of water.

"Hoseok had to leave because he had to take Yoo-mi home she has work tomorrow. Jin and Jimin are outside with Jia's friends." Namjoon explained.

"They might need your help, specially Jin who looks so worried that his girlfriend might find out he is surrounded by women who are openly flirting at him." Nari told Jungkook with a chuckle. 

The music changed to a popular love song and Namjoon was quick to ask Nari for a dance. When they left, Aliya turned to Jungkook. "You can go join Jimin out there, I'll be fine 'coz I'm going to call it a night."

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