Part 49 - UGH

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Yoongi asks the driver to wait for him as he takes Sara inside her house. She managed to press  3 when they were at the elevator, while he held her arms to keep her steady. Once she's inside her place, Yoongi turned to leave but she held his arm. 

"Aren't you staying?" 

He takes her hands off from him. "No, that's why I have the driver waiting. Go to sleep." He said. He had the door open when she calls out to him again.

"Thank you for taking me home." She said.  He shuts the door behind him and left.

The next day, he got surprised when someone rang the doorbell at his place.

"Hi." Sara shyly greeted him. "I made some soup as a thank-you gift for seeing me home last night."

Yoongi stared at her before ruffling his hair as he exhaled loudly. "How did you know where I'm staying?"

"I asked some people. Sorry to intrude." She said.

"You know what, your apologies is getting into my nerves, can you just cut it out?" 

"Sor- I mean, I will try." She replied as her her eyes dropped to the floor.

He sighed, he felt bad that he had to snap at her every time they get to be together. It's his defense from getting himself be completely smitten with her again. "Well, come on in." He says in a calmer voice. Sara follows him inside his place carrying the bag that had the soup she brought. She sets it on the table quietly, opening it for him. 

"You're the one who needs the hang over soup more than me." He tells her when he sees the soup.

"I already had some at home." She replies. "I wanted to impress you with my cooking skills but unfortunately, this is the only dish I've made that I've heard other people say taste good."

He smirks at her statement. Sara couldn't cook which is why he's the one who usually did that task for them before. Looking back at their past is bad but he can't help it when she is right in front of him. It brings back so much unwanted memories and feelings. He takes a spoon and tries the soup she made. It's actually good and he is a bit hungry because he hasn't eaten anything yet. He decides to ask something that had bothered him since the previous night.

"Since when did you learn how to drink that much?" 

 Sara continues to look down not daring to look at him. "Since I got here. I needed an outlet to forget my guilt."

Yoongi stops eating and just looks at her. She looks sincere, and he knows her well enough that he can tell how honest she is being right now. He doesn't want to feel sorry for her. He suffered too and it's not easy for him either considering what he had to do for her. Damn his feelings it's getting him all baffled. He studies Sara's features and takes notice that she is still just as pretty as before. She used to be on the skinny side but now she's filled in the right places. He finds himself looking at her breasts and he shakes himself as he remembers how they feel in his hands. Her eyes looks up at him and he finds himself drowning in them the way he used to. His heart starts beating faster.

Sara continues to look at him. "I've missed you so much Yoongi."

That untangled the knot he had in himself, he cannot hold it back. She was his first love, the one he changed his ways for. He feels like his previous feelings for her were being rekindled. He moves close to her and kissed her lips. Her arms goes around his neck quickly, gluing herself onto him, responding to him and showed him how sorry she really is. It's almost as if they're just continuing their yesterday and the two years that passed didn't exist. If only Aliya doesn't keep on popping into his mind.

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