Part 46 - Outro: Tear

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Then he realized something, he didn't bring protection because this is unplanned. His world turned upside down because of Aliya and he needs to straighten it back again.  

"Something wrong?" Aliya asks him when she felt him stop.

"I didn't bring any protection with me." He whispers as he buries his head in her neck. "I have to go run to the car."

Aliya wraps her legs around him in response. "No, just stay, it's fine. I trust you Yoongi."

Her words stabbed him through his chest for every reason it should. He never had unprotected sex before and it scares him to do this. "But it's for you too. What if, what if." He can't make himself say the word pregnant. It's a taboo word for him, the mere thought gives him the shivers.

"I'm on a pill, my mom's a doctor remember?" She chuckles.

"Are you sure you're ok with this?" He asks her again.

Aliya pushes him down on the bed and straddles him as she takes her shirt off. "Let's be wild and free tonight ok?" She said as she continues to peel off her remaining clothes.

Yoongi watched her in awe, wondering how can she be this perfect? She's exactly what he'd want his girl to be, should he ever settle for someone. Which is the issue here, he's not that type of guy. He can't trust himself to stay in a monogamous relationship. He's scared that he might break her heart.

Aliya moves her head and kisses his lips pressing her half naked body against him and his body responds to her. He'll make sure he'd satisfy her in every way he can tonight. This is the least he can do for her before he leaves.


Yoongi watched Aliya sleep. Her lips were still swollen from his kisses and he left marks on her body. He is tired but sleep won't come to him yet, as every detail of this night comes back to him.  Getting to feel her around him without any barrier is like heaven. Now that he's tried it once, he wants to try it again. 

This just added more complications for him, but he is set with his decision. She seems to be very cool about him leaving. Perhaps she didn't like him as much as he likes her, the thought bothered him a lot. He knows she loves Taehyung, he's the one who has her heart. 

This is why he never settled with one partner, he didn't want to develop feelings. But he is not sorry for his decision with Aliya. He desperately wants to hug her tight right now. He clenches his hands into a tight fist to hold himself, but she suddenly opens her eyes and gives him a smile before wrapping her arm around his neck snuggling closer to him.

"Go to sleep Yoongi." She says drowsily.

How did she even know what he wanted? He asks himself as he settles back on the pillow. He feels her sigh against his chest. His heartbeat is drumming too wildly and he hopes that doesn't wake her. He reluctantly touches the back of her head, he runs his fingers through her hair feeling it's softness and inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo. He finds himself relaxing and didn't even notice that he started to doze off.

He wakes up with a start, his shoulders were stiff for having stayed in the same position for what seems to be hours. But he didn't want to move because Aliya is still holding on to him too. He looks at the digital clock across from the bed, it's past four am. His flight leaves in seven hours, he still has a lot of time because he already had packed his luggage. He needs to leave now though, he hates to break this, but he needs to. He slowly shifts his body and as if on cue, Aliya pulls her arm away from him and turns to the other side of the bed. 

His muscles were screaming and cursing at him as he moved, but he managed to sit up and stretched his arms. He carefully got out of the bed and started picking up his clothes through the dark room putting them on slowly before he starts walking towards the door. 

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