14- Testing

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Yoongi's hands went lower towards her denim pants, he rubbed her through the thick material of her pants only making her feel frustrated because she couldn't enjoy it that much. Her restraints and her previous plan of teaching him about patience is slowly crumbling as her knees got weak and she dropped on his lap again. He chuckled.

"Take off your pants Aliya." Yoongi whispered as he nipped at her earlobe making her shudder.

Though her defenses have crumbled,  she used her last remaining strength to say, "Take it off for me Yoongi." 

Although he scoffed at her, his hands unbuttoned her pants and she briefly stood up so he could pull her pants down to the floor. She steps off it before he pulls her back to her previous position.

"Did you just order me to do something for you?" He asks in a low voice.

"I don't know did I?" She innocently blinks her eyes as she replied.

"You're really something you know, every time I'm with you it's like a different version of you I see." He says as he resumes kissing her neck his hands getting busy moving from her legs towards her thighs.

"I'm trying to make a point, you can't expect me to be ready and willing to drop everything for you when you want me to." She said gasping when his hand moves over her wet center rubbing her through the lacy material of her underwear.

"But you are very ready and willing right now based on how soaked your panties are." He grins at her at first before giving a soft laugh when her face turned pink.

Aliya hated herself for blushing at the wrong time. She couldn't help it, her body betrayed her  by responding to his touch. "Yeah, but next time, I don't know if things will be the same. I'll  make Jihyung stay and maybe even fuck him to prove I am not any of your girls."

Yoongi lifted his eyes towards her and his look shows he didn't like what she just said. "I don't like being threatened Aliya."

"It's not a threat." Aliya said her eyes had a glint of defiance which infuriated Yoongi.

Without a word, he pulled down her panties and inserted two fingers deep inside her. Aliya gasped and she bit her lower lip to keep herself from making any sound that'll only please him. 

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked her.

She almost nods her head, but when his fingers started to move inside her, she couldn't stop closing her eyes as her eyes started to lose it's focus. Instead of answering, she moved against his fingers.

"I'll take that as a yes luv." He withdrew his fingers from her body before he lifted her off him. He got up and he pulls her back to the couch making her go on her knees before pushing her against the back rest drawing her thighs wide as he adjusted her upper body lower. She heard his belt and pants coming off followed by the sound of a wrapper being torn. 

"You are quite stubborn Aliya and I don't know why you keep on pushing me to the brink." Yoongi said behind her adjusting her position again before she felt the tip of his cock entering her. He kept on easing his way in, and the moan she had been holding back started to escape from her mouth. It got muffled when she buried her face deep in the cushion of couch. He uttered a loud  and satisfied "Fuck!" he minute he was fully inside her. Then he started moving, his strokes were rhythmic but was never the same as the last one and it made Aliya's head spin at the pleasure, he was giving her. He moved closer to her ear and spoke. "Now let me see if I can make you do what I ask you..." He continued moving in and out of her body. "Moan for me Aliya."

Aliya bit her lower lip and shook her head. His hands moved in front of her, grasping her breasts through her bra before one hand moved lower towards her clit. She knew she was doomed because when his fingers started to do circular motions around her, the pleasure was too much she gave out a breathless moan. She could sense him smiling. She wanted to curse at him but she was having a hard time saying anything as her climax was starting to build. "Come for me Aliya."  He whispers before making one hard thrust followed by his fingers pinching her clit and that made her release herself as wave after wave of pleasure started flowing inside her. She gripped the back of the couch as her body shuddered and a cry left her lips. He wasn't done though, he continued moving behind her until she felt him grab her buttocks as his movements quickened before slowing down and with one hard thrust, he uttered a sound deep in his throat.

Minutes passed and only their heavy breathing could be heard. Yoongi had slumped himself back on the couch next to Aliya who had shifted sitting on her knees with her arms supporting her body while her head was bowed low, her hair covering her face. She felt her hair was being lifted away from her face and Yoongi peered at her with a slight frown. "Are you ok?"

Aliya bit her lower lip. She wanted to prove to Yoongi he can't keep on bossing her around and yet all she did was follow exactly what he told her. Her body had betrayed her. But it felt good though, she thought to herself. Next time, she'll get back at him, she promised herself. She looked up at Yoongi who was looking at her with concern.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked.

Whoa, he's worried? She remarked to herself. Even with the guys, he seldom shows his real emotion with them. She always thought he didn't give a damn about her before and yet here he is. She didn't want to make any kind of comment about it so her answer was way far fetched from what he expected. "I'm hungry."

Yoongi's reaction was priceless as confusion spread over his face . Aliya shifted her position and grabbed her phone from the table. She tried to appear focused on her phone's screen scrolling through it. "What would you like to have? I think I want some Kimchi Jiggae and spicy chicken." She said. When he didn't answer, she continued. "I'll just share my food with you then." She sighed and stood up. "Ok, the order will come in 25 minutes so that means I have time for a shower. My hair smells like cigarette. She stood up and picked up her panties which was on the floor before walking towards the bathroom. She turned to Yoongi who was looking at her with a smirk on his face as he shook his head. 

"Feel at home. Order has been paid for and I told them to leave it by the door so all should be good."

When Yoongi came in the shower ten minutes later, Aliya smiled. She wasn't sure if he'd come but she was expecting that he will. She smiled at him and she started soaping his body. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she slapped it lightly. "I can't do this properly if you're this close." She said. "The sooner we're done showering, the sooner I can eat. I wasn't joking when I said I was hungry."

Yoongi scowled at her. "We're just going to shower?"

Aliya smiled at him sweetly, "Yes, exactly as you've said."

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