Part 42 - Danger

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Yoongi has to work on a weekend because of their new project. He is co-leading it so he'll be twice busier than he would be. Mari, having started a few months after he did, is part of his team as one of the senior architects in their company. She tried to talk about what happened the night before, he ignores her. He needs to concentrate at what he's doing, he needs to keep personal issues away from work. But Mari keeps on rubbing him under the table, her hands works expertly on him as he tries to listen to their manager at the dark meeting room. He is fully sated from having spent the night with Aliya but as the memory of her body comes back to him, he starts to get hard again and Mari gives him a victorious smile. He pulls her hand away from him. 

Aliya drives him crazy with her stubbornness  and her wildness. She has her way of getting into him that she can make him do things with just a little manipulation. He never thought she'd be dangerous for him.

But right after a long day at work, he finds himself back at her place. He is tired and hungry from the long day of planning. Even Mari had to concentrate on work she stopped bothering him which is a relief. 

Being with Aliya after a days work is very comforting. She has a way of making you feel warm and relaxed, and they're not even having sex. He's way too tired for that tonight but as soon as he wakes up and finds her freshly showered, his body goes crazy. If only Jimin didn't interrupt them.  He had to finish himself in the bathroom because of that.

Most of his days were spent on meetings, planning and drawing that his breaks were spent at his table. Namjoon surprises him one day which fortunately, isn't as hectic since his manager is reviewing his initial drawings. He managed to spend lunch with him and his other friends where he sees Aliya with pretty boy, who obviously still loves her. She's in love with Taehyung so he might not stand a chance.

His mother calls him to tell him she met Aliya and her mother in a restaurant. She then went straight to telling him they should go out on a date since Aliya is a pretty and sweet girl, who their family already knows. If only he can tell his mother what's going on between the two of them.

Yoongi is still stuck at work and during his break, he takes his phone to read what's going on in their group chat that seems to be busy. Aliya is sick and she's in the hospital. Her last message said she's ok but no replies on the next messages his friends sent. Everyone is worried, and he asks himself if he is feeling the same. In a way yes, she is close to him now and she is the closest female friend he has. He goes back to work but would check on his phone every now and then as he sees his friends talking about visiting her in the hospital. They gave the time they'll be coming over but he knows he can't just leave work. Taehyung is back anyway, she needs him more.

Visiting hours is almost over but he makes it on time. He opens the door to her room and finds the tv on but Aliya is sound asleep. No one is around either. He's going to leave the tv on so she won't wake up. She looks pale and he holds himself back from reaching out to touch her. She stirs in her sleep and he sees her open her eyes for a second before closing it again. She must be too weak. He suddenly feels as if someone kicked him in the gut. He hasn't eaten his dinner yet, that must be causing it, he tells himself as he decides to leave. He needs to go back to work early the next day.

Yoongi gets a call from Namjoon telling him they were going to have lunch with Aliya as a celebration for her getting better. He agreed to go and when he sees her, he can't help smiling in relief to see her back on her feet again. She's back to looking how she always does. He's pleased when she chooses to sit next to him where he got to talk and tease her and see her blush. He enjoys teasing her because watching her response entertains him in a certain way. She's always candid with her reactions which he finds cute.

He didn't know Aimee and Mari were friends. Aimee suggests that the three of them party. Sounds tempting, he'll think about it. 

He volunteered to drive Aliya back home to her mom's place after their meeting about buying the lake house. He is looking forward to working on that place since it became a special place for everyone. He has his own personal sentiments on it, aside from spending time with his friends there. He isn't surprised that Aliya wanted to pitch in for the purchase of the property, she has her own sentimental reasons too. It's been weeks since they had sex, he finds himself missing her. 

He will be travelling for Japan the next day for the client's first review of their draft, since they are still in Seoul, he wants to make a quick stop at his house. Maybe one quick sex with her before he takes her home. He needs to make sure she's up for it, unfortunately, her mother calls her to ask where they were. No quick stop at his place then, his mood suddenly turned sour. He feels guilty for ignoring Aliya's attempt to talk with him, if she only knew how hard it is to concentrate in keeping his hands to himself with a boner. He can't help himself from grabbing her for a kiss when they got to their place. How she responds to his kiss kept himself up the whole night. He had to make himself come with his own hand again and it's not enough. That's why after dropping by Jimin's, he heads straight to her place. 

Aliya greets her in her cute short office clothes and his reaction is beyond control. How he wishes they have more time but he just had to make the most of what he has so he goes into action. He brought a condom because he had this in mind, he needed to before he leaves. He got to have another wild and hot sex with Aliya again and he took her panties with him, he finds it sexy to take something that is intimately hers. He will not forget the way she looked at him before she left, it's as if she honestly happy to be with him. She's given their friends that look before specially Taehyung, but seeing her give him that gaze makes him feel pleased.

Their business trip started out busy. He worked himself out until he'd drop to bed late at night only to wake up early the next day and start with the same routine. Until he gets a text from Aliya. It's a pleasant surprise which he takes advantage of. He teased her and she manages to throw him a witty reply which only pushed him to tease her more. In doing so, he can't help getting turned on by it even if he's at work. No one is watching him anyway. But somewhere down their conversation, she stopped replying to him so he assumed she got busy. He too had to stop from being on his phone because he got called in at the meeting room.

Things fell into place at their project which means he can relax for a bit. The next day was golf day and he isn't into that at all. His bosses know that so after begging off from the game, he decides to take the next available flight home. He has his own business which he needed to take care of.

He arrives at the lake house at almost 3 am. His friends were wasted but they were still up since he texted them that he's coming. He had at least three rounds of soju and 2 glasses of whiskey before falling asleep. By that time, his friends were sprawled on the floor. Taehyung and Namjoon have already gone to their respective rooms minutes earlier because they are just as close to falling asleep on the floor too. He wakes his friends just to make sure they get to lay on their beds properly. He's seen Aliya asleep already when he arrived, the only available bed is close to her, so he turned the bed around, it's hard to control himself from touching her.

He stirs in his sleep and he can hear movement followed by the sound of the front door being opened. He sits up and noticed that Aliya is gone from her bed. He quickly walks towards the front door just in time he sees it close. Where is she going at this hour? He wants to get back to sleep but he also feels he needs to follow her outside. Two minutes later, he is cursing at himself for having chosen the latter and he didn't even bother to put his jacket on. He can see Aliya walking at a fast pace. Damn, how can she walk so fast early in the morning?

Then he catches up with her, of course, her sunrise watch. She does that on the first morning when they arrive. He feels bad that she has to do it by herself now, he volunteers to stay since she brought a blanket with her. He closes his eye as he feels how tired he's been having gone through the flight and then drive to get to the lake house. He opens his eyes and he feels as if his breath gets knocked off  him. The site of Aliya's watching the sunrise in fascination, her eyes beaming as the rays of the morning sun reflects on them, her lips were turned up as she unconsciously smiles in excitement.  The urge to kiss them was so great he turns his head back on his knees in an attempt to ignore his thoughts.

She reaches out to make his head lean on her shoulders. He is slowly losing the battle to restrain himself. He is very good at controlling himself from being impulsive or showing emotions that he'd rather keep to himself. But not this time, he just had to touch and taste her. Her response drove him to the edge, if only she isn't too scared of being seen by anyone he would've taken her there. This is why his body didn't make him get back to sleep when they return to the lake house. His body is alive and he knows exactly where to take her.

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