Chp:- 9 Preparations

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After the cocktail party was over me, Kabir, Ekansh and Chaitanya went to stay with Abeer in his penthouse for the night as next day that is on the 2nd, the five of us and Abeer's elder brothers and two of his close cousins were going to Lonavla to check on the preparations and make some necessary arrangements.

Ved and Akanksha will also be joining us. Apparently Akanksha and her team have made arrangements as per the eco friendly wedding protocol in the Raichands Lonavala property, it's an exclusive amazing wedding resort. Initially the function was going to take place in the Bakshi family's palatial Amby valley farm house but then due to some reasons they dropped that idea.

I was getting ready in the guest room after packing my stuff for two days. Someone knocked the door. I yelled, "come in."

Abeer entered and said, "hey bro, all set?"

I said, "yeah."

Abeer said, "join us for breakfast we're all waiting. Get your stuff downstairs."

I said, "yeah." I went downstairs with Abeer and kept my stuff along with the boys stuff. I joined everyone on the breakfast table.

Abeer said, "I ordered McCafe, Hash browns, Egg & Cheese McMuffin for the four of us and Hash browns, McPizza Puff, American cheese supreme burger and Vanilla latte specially ordered from Starbucks for our Mr Choosy Goel."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Gee thanks Abeer." He just chuckled.

We all had our breakfast. The boys were upto something. They were either whispering or using sign language. Something is fishy.

I said, "what's going on here?"

Kabir said, "Abeer wants to tell you something." Abeer glared at Kabir and smiled sheepishly while looking towards me.

I said, "yeah go on. Something surely is fishy." I frowned.

Abeer cleared his throat and said, "Nirav bro I totally under that you've got nothing to do with your ex gf but I have a humble request. I know it's really unfair on my part but please for my sake scratch that not my but for Sapna's sake please be civil with her, be friends with her at least pretend."

I sighed deeply and said, "Abeer buddy I love you and Sapna bhabhi is like my sister to me but I can't do this. I can't stand Maira Saluja. If you weren't my closest friend in the planet I would've escaped from the wedding the moment I encountered Maira."

Ekansh said, "Bro I understand your feelings, your anger and agitation is absolutely justified but Maira isn't that bad I mean all we're trying to say is just be civil with her."

Chaitanya said, "act indifferent as if you don't care, don't let her feel that she affects you. Just be subtle, stoic in front of her and savage if required. Sapna bhabhi loves Maira they're both really close and she can't see her upset. She knows about you both but not the depth of the situation and things between you two."

Kabir said, "Yeah bro it's just a question of three four days."

I said, "why are y'all insisting so much?" I was exasperated.

Abeer sighed defeatedly and said, "because she threw a broke in front of Sapna yesterday saying that she misses you and how painful your encounter was, how much she regrets everything that happened between y'all. Sapna can't see any of her family members upset. She came and spoke to me about it and asked me to speak to you. God knows what else Maira must've told Sapna, she didn't get into the depth of it."

I said, "I didn't get good vibes from her, what I mean is she's upto something but still FINE. Just for your sake, for Sapna bhabhi's sake and for our friendship's sake which we had once upon a time, for that bond's sake." My voice became weary in the end.

CBG#6 MY INNOCENT ANGEL (COMPLETED✅️ BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now