Chapter 10: But My Heart Will Stay With You

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Song For This Chapter: Deathbeds- Bring Me The Horizon

I'm thinking of writing a Johnnie Guilbert story what do you think?

Sky's POV

I sighed and sat down next to Jack, on the couch. It was so quiet around her; Emma had moved onto the All Time Low bus to give me space so Jack decided to move onto here to avoid the tension. It wasn't quiet with Jack around, but everyone was different without our pop punk kid. They all understand why I'm and why she left, but they all wish none of it happened. So do I.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked.

"No," I admitted. "I miss her."

"Why can't you speak to her then? I don't expect you to forgive Alex, but she's your best friend or was I'm not sure."

I shook my head, "I can't do it, at least not yet."

"I know baby," He pulled me close into his side and kissed the top of my head.

I relive the moment she moved out over and over again. I haven't seen her since and she does all she can to avoid me to give me that space. I remember it vividly.

"Has anyone seen my charger?" Emma shouted from the back.

"No!" The guys all answered.

She walked out to the front where we're all sitting.

"Have you seen it Sky?" She asked quietly.

I stared at the floor blankly and didn't answer her. She stood for a minute before sighing and stomping off to the back.

She emerged about ten minutes later with her galaxy bag in hand.

"Where are you going?" Cory demanded.

"Leaving," She shrugged. "Text me the show times and I'll show up."

"Why are you leaving," Hayden asked.

"It's so awkward when Sky won't speak to me, not that I'd expect her too," She rushed, "I did a vile thing and she needs time away from me. I just hope she can eventually accept my apology."

She walked up in front of me, but I stared at the wall behind her as if I was in a hypnotic trance. "I just hope you know how sorry I really am." She whispered.

I had so much I want to say to her, but I just can't. She put her hand on my arm and I pushed it off lightly. "Don't touch me," I whispered with tears rimming my eyes. She nodded and walked out of my life, except for shows. For how long? I don't know.

Less than 3 hours later Jack rang and asked if he could stay on our bus until I forgave Emma because the bus has a lot of tension; awkward tension between him and the two of them and sexual tension between her and Alex.

It's been a week since she's left and we've had no shows so we've had no Emma. I lost my best friend because of my brother. She's gone.

Chris walked over to the couch and picked me up. He walked to the opposite couch and sat down.

"So I just spoke to Cory," He whispered. I raised an eyebrow as if to ask 'and?' "They all miss her."

"I do too," I admitted in a mere whisper.

"I'm not gonna tell you to fix things," He started and I sighed in relief, "But-"

"There's always a but," I groaned loudly.

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