Chapter 15: So Long And Goodnight

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Song for this chapter: Helena- My Chemical Romance

Sky's POV

Today it's my parents funeral. Alex and I get to see the bodies one more time to say our final goodbyes on our own and then we go to the funeral and then that's it. That's the last time I'll ever be in the same room as my parents. They'll be truly gone after this. I've decided to get tattoos after to commemorate them.

I sighed as I looked myself over in the mirror. I was wearing a plain black dress with no pattern whatsoever that had a skirt that was short at the front and floor length at the back. The sleeves went down to my wrists because I wanted to be respectable. I wore black, opaque tights and black ballet flats. I wasn't wearing any makeup because it would just end up all over my face.

The only people coming to the funeral are myself, Alex, Jack, Emma and Ricky because they're the ones that knew my parents or in Ricky's case the one that helped me through everything to do with them. Everyone is staying here and waiting for us to return.

"Ready?" Alex asked as he stood behind me and looked at my reflection.

"I'm never going to be ready to do this, but this is as close to ready as I'll ever be," I sighed.

"Are we going in one at a time or together?" He asked.

"I want to speak to them alone, but if you want me to sit with you I can?" I offered.

"It's fine I can do it," He assured me, but seemed highly doubtful of himself.

Alex was wearing a white dress shirt, black blazer, black dress trousers and shiny, polished dress shoes. He had a plain black tie on and solemn expression on his face. We all did.

I sighed and he grabbed my hand tightly squeezing it. "The rest of them are meeting us there this is for us only," He told me. I nodded and hugged him tightly before walking out of the back room and into the living area.

Everyone went silent as we walked in and the room fell somber. Everyone was giving us sympathetic looks as I pulled Alex through the room and out the door with a blank expression on my face and no turning back to look at anyone.

"Sky!" Jack yelled. I reluctantly turned and he ran up to me. "Remember what I told you. I love you so much," He told me once he was stood in front of me.

"I love you too," I assured him. He kissed my cheek softly, ran his thumb over my jawline and walked back to the bus slowly.

Alex yanked my hand and pulled me to the funeral car. We got in it and watched as the funeral director person blessed the coffin and then a woman, with a black coat thats tail reached the floor, got in the drivers seat of the car.

Alex held my hand tightly as we drove slowly behind the two funeral cars holding our parents coffins and the funeral director who lead us out of the street on foot. Tears fell down my face yet I made no noise.

Eventually the man got in the car and we made our way to the crematorium. It took four men each to carry the large, solid oak coffins into the crematorium and he sat them on big podiums with curtains around them. Alex went up to them and I sat outside with a different woman who would be delivering the service.

"So you and your brother would each like to make a speech?"

"Yes we would like to make one for our mother and one for our father," I nodded.

"Alright and do you have your speech ready?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Alright well the funeral will start in an hour and I am terribly sorry for your tragic loss dear."

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