Chapter 13: You Had To Die For Me To See How To Live

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Song for this chapter: Picture Perfect- Escape The Fate

Sky's POV

I stared down at the mutilated corpse and had no words. I can't believe that's my father. That's not my father! That's not the man who bought me ice-cream when I was good, the man who bought me my first guitar, the man who taught me how to play that guitar or even the man that kicked me out for wanting to be in a rock band! I'll never have a chance to fix what I lost with them because they're gone now and from the looks of them, there's no coming back from this.

"I understand this must've been a very hard thing to do so I'm going to give you a card for a grief counsellor incase you want to let any feelings or emotions out. You may go now," Wiggum told us.

We walked past him slowly and he patted us on the shoulders as we did so. Alex's hand found my own and the tears were running down his face, but I couldn't find it in me to cry; I feel empty. I was the girl who had a broken relationship with her parents, but now I'm the girl who has a broken relationship with her parents that she can't fix. The girl who will always wonder what it's like to have parents all through adulthood and the girl whose only family is a brother she only just made up with.

We walked out of our childhood home, which is now the crime scene of the latest murder investigation, probably for the last time ever.

I let go of Alex's hand and walked past Jack and Emma silently. Alex went straight to Emma and hugged her, I rolled my eyes. I think Emma and my friendship's broken; we fight all the time and we're not how we used to be.

I walked to the end of the street, ignoring everyone's calls for me and the small crowd of neighbours that had gathered just outside the police tape which cut them off from going any further. In the midst of everyone I saw my Auntie, who also cut all contact with me, but I know she'd never change and was probably here to support Alex so I ignored her to and got in the awaiting car.

Alex and Emma went to talk to my Auntie and Jack slid into the car next to me. He hesitantly put his arm around me, which I let him do, and he pulled me close into his side. I breathed in his scent: mint, cologne and beans (from all of the burritos), but I didn't say a word. Alex and Emma eventually got in the car silently, but I didn't say a word. Alex told me that Aunt Ruby was asking about me, but I didn't say a word. Emma told me Ricky called her to ask how I was, but I didn't say a word. Jack told me how he will always be here for me and how much he loves me, but I didn't say a word. I didn't acknowledge any of their attempts at trying to be kind of helpful because I felt to empty, I felt like my heart had shrivelled, the blood had drained from my veins and the only thing left in me was my brain rattling around in its cage, which is also empty.

I didn't see the point in anything anymore: the people that brought me into this world and raised me were dead, my 'best friend' and brother were happily in each other's arms- without me- my boyfriend is so nice and attractive and deserves so much better than a mess like me and all my other best friends don't need a burden like me in their lives, but I have to stay for the fans who say: 'I'm the reason they're alive and that they can't live without me,' for Alex who'll need support at the funeral because Emma won't be allowed where we are, for the coroners visits and sorting everything out to make sure they go off in the right way and the things placed in memorial of them are done in the right way. If I couldn't honour them in life the least I can do is honour them in death and then hope they forgive me when I'm up there with them.

"Are we going to a hotel?" Alex asked breaking the silence looming over us. It wasn't an awkward silence nor was it a comfortable silence, but instead a dark silence like the shadows at the back of parks where creepy men stand and await their victims.

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