Chapter 16: Sometimes The Bedroom Walls Become My Only Friend

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Song for this chapter: Besitos- Pierce The Veil

Sky's POV

We've been back from the funeral for about a week now and Emma has been very distant with us as if something's happened. I heard her on the phone saying someone's paid her to do something, but I don't know what...

"What are you doing?" Alex screamed. "How could you?"

I ran to the back of the bus and saw Emma sitting on the couch, making out with some guy and from the looks of it she's high as fuck- her eyes were red and bloodshot and she was holding a cigarette in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other.

"Alex she's obviously in a fucked up state at the moment don't speak to her yet," Rian tried to reason with him, but I'm not sure Alex heard over his sobbing.

"Get out," I spat at the guy who ran out quickly. "You," I turned to Emma and pointed my finger at her, "Pack up your things and leave."

"You can't do that to me! Where are you going to find another guitarist as good as me?" She slurred.

"I don't know, but I know that I'm not having you stay here any longer than you need too."

She stumbled out of the room and grabbed her things. I looked and saw there was another girl sitting there. She was wearing a low cut top and shorts that her ass hangs out of and they didn't compliment her figure at all. She had crooked, yellow teeth and her bloodshot eyes were slightly cockeyed. She had stringy, greasy, dirty brown hair that was matted and knotted.

"What are you her drug dealer?" I growled.

"I guess you could say that," She giggled.

"You need to get the fuck out," I spat venomously.

"I'm waiting for Emmie," She smirked.

Emma emerged a few moments later with her bags, "Come on Chloe," She slurred and they linked arms and walked out of the bus.

"We can't just make them leave like; that it's dark and dangerous outside," Alex sighed, his conscience seeping through.

"Fine," I groaned.

I walked around the buses and looked for them. I gave up trying to be quiet after a few moments and decided to call for her, "Emma? Emma where are you?"

I heard a clang as if someone had dropped something made of metal on the floor. I ran to where I heard it and I found myself in a dingy alleyway- I already know this is going to be bad. "Emma?" I whispered, now slightly more scared for my life. I saw a crumpled up pile on the floor, but as I walked closer I noticed that it's bodies.

"Oh my God," I whispered and a tear rolled down my face. The mutilated body of my best friend was just lying and front of me after we fell out- I know our friendship was shitty for a long time, but just like with my parents I'm going to regret this because we had so many amazing times and now she's gone.

Lying beside her was her druggie friend Chloe. She got it worser than Emma! She had a stab wound in her stomach and another in her forehead that were probably the cause of death, but also her eyeballs had been gouged out of her head and shoved up her nostrils and her tongue had been cut out and laid nearly across her forehead. Whoever did this knew what they were doing!

I pulled out my phone and started to dial the number of the police when something flew past me and hit the wall. I looked up and saw a knife was sticking out of the wall about an inch from where my head had been and there was writing on the wall: 'I paid her to do my dirty work tonight, but she's been doing my dirty work unwillingly for a while now. You never lost your best friend I took her and now you can never get her back.' I peered a little closer and saw that the crimson writing was in fact blood. Another knife flew past my head and this time it grazed my ear. I didn't turn around to see if anyone was behind me, I just sprinted off.

I ran all the way to the bus without looking back and slammed the door behind me, locking it and then I ran to all the windows and locked them.

"Sky you're bleeding," Ricky informed me and Jack ran off into the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

"What the fuck happened?" Chris asked.

I was breathing hard from running so my words were coming out in between breaths, "I heard a clang and ran to it and I saw Emma and Chloe lying dead. Mutilated like my parents." Everyone in the band gasped and Alex had tears running down his face. Jack pulled me on to his lap and started to clean my ear up while Ricky held my hand comfortingly. "I was about to call the police and I felt something fly past my head. I looked at saw that it was a knife and it was in the wall.. someone tried to kill me! Written in blood on the wall said something about someone paying Emma to do something which I'm guessing is her and the guy and then how she never left someone took her? I was trying to figure it out when another knife was thrown at me and it hit my ear so I ran because obviously the psychotic murderer of them, and possibly our parents, was in that alleyway with me."

"We need to go home, we need to go back to the house," Hayden mumbled.

"All of us do," Cory agreed, "It's not safe for you guys to go back to Baltimore when the killer has already been there. We'll go to the house and we'll stay safe until this all blows over."

"I'll go tell the driver where to take us, you guys text your bus drivers and ask them to bring your suitcases onto the bus because there's no way you're going out there and Balz ring the police," Dean instructed everyone.

"Jack take her into the back and calm her down and we'll look after Alex," Ricky told Jack.

He nodded, picked me up and took me into the back room. He sat us down and rocked us back and forth as I sobbed. "It's okay," He hushed, "You'll be okay." I just cried louder because I know I won't be because I've been targeted already and whoever this psycho is, is obviously trained and can stalk if he knows where we are all the time. The bus door opened and I froze, petrified it was the killer. "It's okay they're just bringing everyone's suitcases on," Jack assured me and soon enough the bus started up again.

"Jack I don't know how much longer I'm going to be on this planet so I want you to know how much I love you, how much you mean to me and that these past few months have been amazing. The best of my life because our love is so special, it's like movie love it's like no one expects it to be that good, but it is," I sobbed.

"I love you so much baby," He whispered and his voice cracked slightly, "We're gonna get through this we're gonna win this fight."

"What if we don't?" I whispered.

"We have to."

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