Chapter 8: This Is The New Religion Amen

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Song for this Chapter: New Religion- Black Veil Brides

It's just a short filler that I promised I'd do for Ttylfedora it'll get better later as I lost half of it but I will write it tonight too.

Alex's POV

I was walking back to Emma's bus to get her makeup bag because she yawned; her mascara ran and she needs to fix it, but refuses to go out to get it. She told me it was in the back room under the back so I walked onto the bus and it was perfectly silent. I walked closer to the back room and I heard moans and it sounded like Jack and Emma's on my bus so only one other person could've let him on- time to let my brotherly protective instincts out. I slammed the door open to catch them both under the covers, thankfully, making out. Naked.

"Dude what the hell are you doing that's my sister?" I screamed. They both scrambled up, wrapped up in blankets. Jack looked scared which he should be, but Sky looked angry.

"He's also my boyfriend so your statement means nothing!" She sassed.

I felt my eyes and mouth drop open. "Boyfriend." I questioned astounded.

"Yes, boyfriend." She said outraged. "Is this too hard for ickle Alex to comprehend?" She spoke as if I was a five year old now.

"Listen, I'm your brother-"

"No you're not!" She jumped up as she was dressed at this point. "You're nothing to me Alexandar William Gaskarth and in thought: 'hey why not give him a chance,' but no I won't give you a chance because you've got your head so far up your own ass shits falling out your mouth, you don't realise how much you've hurt me, how betrayed I feel and you don't care, you think it's all okay, it's not! It's not okay Alex! Shouting a Jack for fucking me is like shouting at Jack for fucking a random girl off of the street because that's how close we are; we may as well be strangers. You don't know me or the shit I hhave and had to deal with day in day out so pack it in or pack up and fuck off out of my life, not for 4 years, but forever!"

Sky's POV

I stormed out, I didn't care if Jack followed me at this point, I knew Alex wouldn't and that's all that matters.

"Sky?" I heard from behind me.

"Oh, hey Ben." I triend to sound happy, but of course he saw right through me.

"What's wrong?" He asked me concerned.

"Nothing." I fake smiled up at him.

"Bullshit. C'mon come back to the bus and tell me what's wrong." He put his arms around me and carefully led me to the AA bus.

When we got in he sat me down on the couch and gave me a can of Red Bull since I don't like coffee or tea. He sat down and put his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest and told him everything. When I was finished he had a look of understanding on his face, but it was sprinkled with jealousy.

"Listen," Ben started, "I know you'l all work it out, I know you and Jack are fine and I know what I'm about to tell you next won't affect our friendship right?"

"Nothing could ever ruin us Ben." I reassured him, smiling up at him warmly.

He gulped and took a deep breath. As I was leaning against his chest I could feel his heart beat, which was increasing rapidly. "I really like you, I have for a while now and you know me and I mean me not the Ben Bruce who fucks whores and released nudes once you know the real me not the sex crazed me so you know I will never make a move on you unless you said it's okay. I am perfectly okay with pushing my feelings down I just want you to know that if this relationshop between you and Jack ever ends you will have someone to come to, someone who will love you." He smiled down at me nervously.

"Um, wow Ben." I swallowed a gulp of air, "thank you. We won't change and I promise you that." He nodded happily, "but I really doubt us ever having anything, never say never, but I don't want you to stay hung up on me like I was on you when you were with Sam because it sucks. Move on and if the times right for us both- I'll come back." Ben nodded in understanding and kissed my forhead, "I better go." I stood up and brushed myself off, "thanks for listening to me and- um- trusting me. You're the best friend I could ever ask for Ben!" I hugged him and exited the bus and ran straight to All Time Low's bus where sure enough Jack was along with everyone else, but Alex was blanking us so it didn't matter and let's just say we picked up where we left off... really loudly... also I thought I'd let all the fangirls out there know that Jack's scream is girlier than mine.

I woke up the next morning cuddled into Jack and may I say he looked good in the morning. "You're so perfect." He growled in my ear. I giggled and felt my whole face blush red. His hand ran over my stomach and I shot up.

"let's get up yep now let's go."

Once I was up and dressed in what I wore yesterday as I came here unprepared I went out to face the teasing of the guys. They were mimicking Jacks screams, "guys I think I should point they were Jack's screams." Jacks face flushed red as he gave me a dirty look and he tackled me on the floor and sat on me shouting: "I AM THE KING OF THE WORLD!" and that's how the whole morning went, well until Alex got his lazy ass up.

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