Chapter 2: Run Baby Run

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Song for this chapter: Check Yes Juliet- We The Kings

I'm not from America so if I say a States next to another state or I get the order wrong I don't know if they're right or not so just hate with me on that.

Sky's POV

We were all packed and we were just waiting for the bus to get here to take us to Warped. It's 4am and since I never went to sleep, being an insomniac and all, I'm the only one not in a massive mood for being waken up so early, then again I don't think Hayden slept either so I may not have to suffer them all alone.

We decided to rent a massive bus this year and travel with MIW since we'd be over at each other's buses all the time we may as well save money.

I was drinking a red bull knowing I would need it to stay awake for another full day. Hayden came in and wolf whistled.

"Girl you look fine today!" He said in a jersey accent and posed.

"Thanks girl! Hey we still on for shoe shopping on Saturday?" I asked in an equally bad Jersey accent.

"Of course I wouldn't miss out on time with my bff!" He shouted and flung his arms around me dramatically. We both squealed "shoes!" like hyper teenage girls, but we were cut off from our little, stupid bonding exercise by Cory and Dean walking in. "Ladies can we stop this please and go wake up the others because they refuse. Sky you'll have to wake up Emma because she threatened to cut off my dick and you're the one with the smallest chance of having a dick, I'm hoping anyway." Dean bitched while Cory lay down on the floor in his duvet and went back to sleep.

"Ugh fine, but leave me the MIW guys too, this should be fun." I said smiling wickedly at them and walking out.

I went to the bathroom and put in my red contacts before hovering over Emma's face and shaking here. She opened her eyes and they widened as I said in a deep throaty voice, "the devil is inside us all of us." Grinned evilly and walked out leaving her stunned, but definitely awake.

I did the same to everyone in MIW except Chris because I've used that too much on him for him to fall for it so I decided to start off being nice.

"Chris, wake up." I whispered shaking him. He groaned and rolled over.

"Fine. I'm sorry, I didn't want to have to do this." I said.

I ran out of the room and got my amp and two microphones. I put the amp next to his ear and hooked the microphones up to it. I called Hayden over and he gave me a knowing look. We each took a microphone and turned the volume up on full. Everyone else in the room put on headphones and were trying not to laugh, probably imagining Chris reaction.

"Chris last chance to get up." I said stroking his cheek while Hayden laughed quietly next to me. He swatted my hand away so Hayden and I looked at each other and shrugged.

We put the microphones up to our mouths and counted down from three on our hands then simultaneously did our best death growls into the microphone.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Chris shouted as he shot up.

"You wouldn't get up! I have witnesses!" I said defensively smiling like an angel.

"You're gonna get it." Chris said moving towards me.

"Shit." I turned and ran.

I could hear Hayden shouting the chorus of Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings, "RUN BABY RUN! DONT EVER LOOK BACK! SERIOUSLY DONT LOOK BACK HES RIGHT BEHIND YOU!"

I heard Chris' footsteps coming closer so I turned and ran into my bedroom, but before I could shut it he was in here.

He smirked at me and walked slowly towards me. I back up until I was right up against the wall. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. There was no point struggling because I wasn't going to win this. He threw me down on the couch and sat on me.

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