Chapter 6: Kiss Me Again

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Song for this chapter: Kiss Me Again- We Are The In Crowd

I'm so sorry i haven't updated a load of shit has happened to me loads of family issues, but I'm going to update more for all of my stories.

Everyone go read Ttylfedora story the awakening it's an Alex Gaskarth story and I'm in it! I'm rachel jacks girlfriend and i love it and recommend it.

This is for my granny I love you so much sleep tight I'll see you soon.

Sky's POV

I stood there shocked, frozen. I haven't seen this guy in years, yet all these feelings are rushing at me, but he's my brother's best friend and shit will go down! My common sense finally kicks in and I push him off.


"Shut up, please." I silenced his stuttering. "Look. You're a really nice guy, but I don't know you, this is all too fast."

"You do know me though." He stared at me like a lost puppy, I'd obviously confused him, but it was so cute! Why does he have to be so cute?

"Listen..." I started, but was quickly cut off.

"No. I really need you to listen to me right now." I nodded telling him to continue. "You don't understand how hard it was seeing you every day when we were younger, being so perfect that it hurt me and not being able to tell you how much I loved you. Why? Your over-protective brother and you say you don't know me which I guess means you think you don't know me anymore, but I can guarantee you I've been the exact same from the age of 12 to now! I really like you and I need to tell you, I'm sorry if that was sudden of me, but I couldn't stand looking at you for more than a second without doing something. I understand you don't like me like this, I'm sorry I did this to you." He ran out. He left. I'm so stupid.

I'm not going to lie, when we were little I really liked him, but he was my brothers best friend, he was meant to act like my brother too and that's like incest isn't it? Plus even if I did give him a chance all I'd do is listen to shit from Alex about my tattoos and my piercings, I don't want that. I don't know... maybe I want Alex back, but I can't forgive him for what he did. Maybe Jack's worth it though?

Jack's POV

I'm such an idiot! I poured my heart out and then I ran! I need to man the fuck up! I'd say I need to grow some balls, but we all know I have a real good pair of them.

What do I do? I'm pretty sure running out ruined every chance of ever being with or near her. I'm just going to go lie down, I need to sleep this weird ass mood I'm in off.

Sky's POV

"Sky?" Chris called. I stayed silent, maybe he'll go away. My bunk curtain got ripped open, apparently not. "Hey, what are you doing holed up in here? The barbeques going on, you were so excited for it!" That's tonight? There'll be drinks there I can drink this off! Our shows at 8 though so I'll have to take a break from it, that sucks!

"Shit! I completely forgot. Good thing I'm dressed decently, let's go." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the bus, once out I got on his back. I used to get onto his back in the bus, but one time he hit his head on the wall and was a little too smiley for the rest of the day and I've been worried about him ever since.

"The sky is falling, run man run!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and Chris took off sprinting around the field. We got lots of weird looks, but we're used to them by now. After doing a couple laps, screaming loudly and Chris almost running into the barbeque and setting his Bleeding Through vest on fire which we all know wouldn't have gone down well.

I got off his back and told him to stay there and ran into the bus and grabbed my guitar. I walked back out to find him sitting like a dog holding out his paw. I just shook my head. "I'm not even going to bother asking Chris." He crouched down again and I got onto his shoulders. He grabbed onto my ankles tight.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked, tilting his head back to look at me, almost resulting in me falling off.

"Just walk around; you've got to sing with me though." Chris groaned really loudly so I kicked him in the chest.

"Ow, my boob!" He shouted, gaining loads of looks. I just gave him a 'really?' look. "I mean my manly chest!" He said in a deep voice. I was laughing so much I was worried I'd fall, but I managed to calm myself down.

"What song?" I asked him. He shrugged and let go of my ankle to stroke his chin.

"What about... The Morticians Daughter?"

"Yeah, sure." I agreed and started playing. Loads of people watched as we walked around singing and about halfway through our little sing-along where many people joined in, Ashley Purdy placed Andy Biersack onto his shoulders, grabbed a guitar and played along while Andy sung on his shoulders walking alongside us. I'm great friends with them, but this is still a serious fangirl moment!

When we were finally done as many people wanted to play, they brought out the drinks. Everyone was deep in conversation so no one noticed as I ran for the table, except of course Asking Alexandria and Andy Biersack who all ran for their favourite drinks. I grabbed a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka and downed half of it straight away.

"Slow down tiger!" Ben slurred at me. Trust him to be drunk before the party!

"Baby leave her." Danny said and then shoved his tongue down Ben's throat, yep they're definitely drunk!

I downed the rest of the bottle and ran straight into the last person I want to see. Why him?


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