Chapter Forty-Six: Azul🚪

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I crumple up the note and throw it in the fire.

He always does this. Bayou just ups and goes without saying goodbye, and it kind of hurts.

Don't us Morons matter more to him than a grain of sand stuck to his skin?

And since when did he ever have a sister? Never. Just like last time, I never heard that he had friends other than us. Guards never have outside friends. Yet bayou does? The closed off, emotionally unattachable Bayou? I think not.

He is hiding something. And I don't want to investigate too thoroughly, because he will find out what I am doing, and being the object of his wrath is not something I would want to accomplish so young. I don't want to die just yet. Even though me taking the job as a guard suggests otherwise.

The fire licks at the page and decours it whole, I watch as the flames turn it to ash and rage even more. You would think that when you feed a flame more, it would calm down and be happy, but instead it rages. And it is not until you bring in its enemy- Water- that it finally calms down. Complete opposite from us Fae.

I lean back, tilting my head as I pour the rest of my bourbon down my throat in one swift movement.

Why does he always do this? Why can't he just come by our rooms and tell us that something has come up and he needs to go, I don't even care if he lies about it like he did in his letter? Well, I would, but semantics. I wonder what is so carefully concealed and hidden that needs to be hidden and concealed even from our views? We are his friends.

Or are we?

I banish the thought from my mind, ignoring the pang of revulsion it throws into my gut.

Of course we are his friends, I think, why else would he even try to give us a letter. If we weren't his friends, I wonder idly, then he would have never given us any kind of heads up. Even if it was a lie. Maybe he is lying to save us. Maybe there is something really dirty and bad that he is trying to hide...

Maybe he has some really bad kink and needs to be far away to do it... is there such thing as a murder kink?

I shiver.

I don't think I want to know.

But if there is... well, Bayou would definitely have it. He may be the one person in the Otherworld with such a thing.

A knock sounds at my door. I stumble as I open it.

Anul looks too stressed to do anything but fall onto my bed. My brow furrows. "What happened?" I sit alongside her.

"I dont know," She groans and rolls over. Hugging my pillow to her chest. "I am just so tired of Delta."

I chuckle, but the look of pure exasperation stops me mid-laugh. "What did he do this time?"

"He started educating me on human emotions." She grumbles. "As if I dont already know what 'cute aggression' is."

I laugh again. "He did that to me too. After Viviendel started to plan my death because I was cuter than her." I shiver.

"He is annoying," She shrugs and looks behind her back at me. Hiking up her dress to sit around her thighs, she sits cross-legged instead. Putting her head in her hands.

"He is your soulmate," I remind her.

"That doesn't mean that I have to like him twenty-four-seven."

I nod in agreement. "True, but you also can't always hate him."

She crinkles her nose at me. "Yes, I can."

"No, you can't,"

"Watch me."

I roll my eyes. "Do you want to stay here tonight, you can have the bed." She nods eagerly.

"I can't deal with him." She groans and lays back down. Stuffing my blankets under her chin.

I lay down on the ground, my super fluffy carpet underneath me with a mattress and a spare pillow burrowed under my head. "What would gangster ponies look like?" She asks as I am about to go to sleep. "Are you awake?" When I dont answer she asks: "Are you asleep?"

"Yes," I murmur. Not technically lying, I didn't direct it at her 'asleep question', but her 'awake' one. 

"Okay." Is all she says.

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