Chapter Seventy-Two: Ahmya 😤

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"Was that really necessary, Branwen?" I ask after the raven-shifter threw a sleeping-bomb at Drystan. 

"No," Branwens voice pauses. "But I did not want to take precautions."

"More like you just didn't want to leave today without trying it out on someone." Brishen grumbles, glancing back before staring ahead. As if paranoid that she will walk through again. But she should be sound asleep by now, pitiful really. I kind of liked her.

"Can you blame me? You guys never let me play with explosives." Branwen waves a dismissive hand at him. 

I roll my eyes as I re-strap the sword we got back from the roof. It is way heavier than one may realise, for what reason I do not understand. But it is no regular sword, it is unfettered, full. Heavy as heck. 

"Bayou and Thanatos should be here any moment..." Brishen trailed off, and I rolled my eyes.
"Indeed," I take a long look around us. "   But they are too smart to be caught."

Branwen snorts. "What about Bricria, have you guys been in contact with him?" 

I feel my brows fly up, she has never cared about him before. I would even suggest she loathed his very guts. His very being. She would rather care about a sack of potatoes than him. 

She holds up her hands. "Do not look so surprised," Her scolding voice is defensive, and I want to laugh at the absurdity in the situation. "I was just wondering because he was not mentioned."
No she wasn't. I know that for a fact. And she can not mask it. 

"Really?" I bring my Laritione lull into my voice. "Is that true?" 

"Yes. I cannot lie."  

"But is it the whole truth?"

"No, but even if you use that," Branwen does an odd gesticulation at me. "You cannot find out." Shock courses through my system. Fucking Tomairsitkiz. "We are sworn enemies by birth, Ahmya." A close-lipped smile. "Your powers have less effect on a person who grew up knowing how to deflect them." 

"And us you." I counter. Both of our clans grew up in fear of our offspring being tricked by our enemy clan, and thus we had been taught ways to handle such a situation if it ever did arise.Gods know what Branwen learned, but my training was fairly straightforward. Easy and quick. Just a few tricks, keeping silver on you at all times, and in case a shifted one tries to lure you away, stick bread crumbs on your windowsill. Even though our clan hated them as well. 

"HEY!" somebody screams, and I turn my head sharply to look at the crude road... Bayou and Thanatos wave their arms in the air, trying to get our attention. Brishen races forward, laughing as he runs. His barch covered skin sometimes flapping in the air. 

Does he shed? Like... does his bark shed? I will have to ask him. 

Branwen and I share a fleeting glance before we run off towards the three males. My feet pounds against the pavement, slipping occasionally thanks to the oily substance along my shoes. It was supposed to help me with my rope, but I think the vender who sold it to us was lying. He was a half, after all. 

Branwen makes it first, and to rub  it all in, she smiles sardonically at me. I dash her a glare, before hugging Thanatos tightly. 

"Welcome back, you idiot." 

"Who is the idiot?" Thanatos's deep voice reaches me. 

"You." I reply. He always does this, it is annoying. 

"Say my name and phrase, please." His demand makes me glare. 

"You, Thanatos, are an id-id-idio-" Fire scorches my throat, and I wonder breifly why I even try anymore. It is useless. 

"I knew it." He chuckles dryly. I shoot him a glare. 

"Where is Bricria?" I hear Branwen ask bayou. He laughs. 

"Why? Do you guys have to rehearse your demo?" 

Am I missing something? I feel like I am.

I look up at Thanatos quizzically, but he ignores me. 

Bayou's hair is turning more red by the day, and I almost feel bad for the poor guy. He needs new dye. I may ask Garbhans Nanny to purchase some for him before we return home. Which should be quick since we have the sword now. That is all we needed, anyway. 

"He should be leaving the guard station any moment now." 

Bayou and Thanatos were distracting the guards at a pub so Brishen only had to deal with Drystan. It seems we greatly underestimated her, with those sewed lips. She still managed to find us. "We have a lot to fill you guys in on." I swallow. "But I think we need to find him first." Bricria was supposed to disable cameras and anything that may report what we were doing.
He should be out here by now. 

I watch as two new guards walk back into the building we already exited, they must be the ones that 'had a quick drink'. They do not look like it, with the staggering footsteps and swaying bodies. 

I lean against the building, a breeze shifting my cloak and billowing my hair. I pull down my mask a bit, already wanting ti get the itchy fabric off. My mask is not simple like Branwens, it is much more decorative. But with doing so, it makes it scratchy and heavier. Sometimes, instead of being proud of it, I just want to rip it straight off. 

But then we hear screaming yelling, and even a simple laugh. 

I swing my eyes to Bayou. 

What if they have Bricria? 

But he seems unaware of it, instead, he just stares ahead. At the building. 

"I am going in." I declare, walking a few steps towards the looming museam. 

Thanatos wraps his arms around me. "No."

I turn around to face him, his arms still a barricade. "Why the hell not?" 

"Ahmya," Branwen says, consolingly so. Branwen, CONSOLING ME, AS IF I AM A CHILD. I glare at her, wanting to spit fire. To ransack her brain. She seems to not care. "They may have just found Drystan, we do not know if they found him yet." She didn't even mutter his name. 

I relax against Thanatos. She is correct, much to my dismay, we do not know. It is more likely that they got Drystan than Bricria. Yep. 

Another shout rings from the museum, and I have the urge to cover my ears. 

But then one of the guards opens the door, and the other male- with a pouch over-spilling his jeans and hair that is long yet looks as if it has not been brushed in years- steps out with a dark haired fellow over his shoulder...


I jerk against Thanatos's hold, yet he does not let me go. 

I need to get to him. I hear Branwen shout as well, but Brishen manages to sooth her and calm her down. I do not even have time to appreciate his amazing feat before I thrust my elbow back and slam it into Thanatos's gut. 

"THINK OF YOUR SON!" He shouts at me, doubling over slightly but still keeping me caged. "THINK OF ME! THINK OF OUR PLAN!" 

But I couldn't think, I just had to move. 

Bayou stands in front of me now, blocking my path. "Ahmya," He begins softly, his eyes calm as they meet mine. "No." 

But I do not heed his command.

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