Chapter 67: Viviendel👑

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I rap at the main corridor, the sound of my knuckles booming through the elaborate archway I stand beneath. Each sound bracketing me, and I shiver.

I can hear one of the Queens shout to their guards to open the doors, and I step back a bit to allow them.

A Tomairsitkiz with unruly hair and jeweled sword at his hip meets my eye- he has to look up quite a ways to look at my face, but the moment recognition spikes, he opens the door with the flourish of a lord to their Queen.

I guess the analogy isn't too far off now.

 The Queens glance up at my arrival, startled. Today was not a training day, I should not be in there presence. Honestly? I would not want to be there, but it seems that somebody is out to kill me, and we finally know who.

"I need to speak to Eirene and Morana." I see Morana's mouth pull down, but since her eyes are shielded, I can not tell whether she is contemplating running or if she is just disappointed in my lack of manners. Probably a mixture of both.

Eirene however- with her long green, arrow-proof mask- just chuckles dryly. The sound scuttling off my skin, and I shiver again.

Jorogumo, however, blanks a stare at me, her lips downcast in displeasure, and her anger radiating from each of her eyes. All 8 of them. I meet each one, a challenge.

She does not reciprocate it, she instead just rolls them.

The other two Queens stand up from their own positions- in sync with one another- and glide towards the door, ignoring me completely. I end up on their tail, following them out of the corridor, and into the private hallway that houses their rooms.

"What?" Morana snaps, her voice like water, yet dripping with disdain.

And yet I look at Eirene, as she pivots on her heal and turns toward me, and I can feel her gaze tracking every one of my movements.

"There was an assassin sent to my room late last night," I start. And I see Eirene nod, while Morana looks as if she is unaware of such a thing.

I level my gaze at Eirene. "Have you been told already?"

She nods, her mask- of which covers her entire front- creasing at her neck.

"Yet not you?" I glance at Morana.

"No, my sisters have been untold." Eirene interjects, and I feel Morana pull out a breath before saying, her voice steel.

"And why, Dearest Eirene, have you kept this from us?"

"She was alive and well, I saw no reason to tell you Unless her life was truly in danger."

"An assassin is endangering her." Morana protests, but I hold up my hand. Not wanting a squabble to start a fist fight, and then one of power.

My father is in the building, and I would rather not have it collapse atop him.

"Azul tortured him earlier," I begin again. "And he receives quite a story." I take a breath. "Jorogumo sent him." Morana falters, and I hear Eirene suck in a breath. Still, they do not hang their heads, they stare ahead. Morana gaping.

"And how do you know what the assassin said is no lie?" Eirene asks. Her voice a bit more breathy than normal.

"Azul made sure that he was telling the truth, I can assure you of that."

Morana shakes her head at me. "It cannot be. Jorogumo is swarmed in grief."

"Or guilt," Eirene suggests, perching on a windowsill near her. Her position radiating queen-like grace. I hope to one day have my own presence radiate such a thing. She rubs at her chin through the fabric, thinking. Morana however nods. 

"It makes sense," She begins. Pacing, her steps soft on the marble. 

"No." Eirene finally speaks up. "It is impossible. He lied." 

I narrow my eyes at her. 

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