Chapter 22

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Dimentio felt his eyes slowly flutter open, his vision blurring.

"What..." He muttered, eyes going in and out of focus.

"M'kay. He's awake," Nastasia's voice stated as the blue and pink blob in front of him got less and less blurry and more clear.

"Nastasia?" Dimentio quietly questioned, blinking his eyes as he became more and more alert. He tried moving, only to find that something was holding him back. Arms? No, rope? Yes, it felt like a strong, firm rope. He could tell now that he was bound to a large wooden pole. He desperately tried thrashing, but nothing helped. He looked down at the black ropes tied all around him, just as he suspected, then looked up at his old friend with a terrified expression. "W-what happened?!" He asked, voice smaller and weaker than he meant it to be. He didn't like feeling this way. It was okay to feel helpless in front of Luigi because he would never use it against him, but not in front of Nastasia.

"Merlon gave you a small injection to knock you out while we transferred you here. The execution will begin in one hour." Nastasia stated, voice direct and emotionless.

"One hour?!" Dimentio squeaked, panic filling his soul and body. "N-no! Nastasia, please! I-I'm not ready yet. Please!" He begged. "I-I can change. I've changed! Really! I am truly very sorry. Please believe me!! If I could take it back-"

"ENOUGH!" She shouted, pointing a shaking hand at him. He didn't quite expect her to shout like that. It was frightening since she had always seemed so cool and composed. "You can't take it back. He's gone, because of YOU! YOU CAN'T BRING HIM BACK! YOU DESERVE THIS!" Nastasia cried, trembling with rage.

She didn't wear rage well, Dimentio noted. She hardly looked like herself. He could tell the anger and grief were really putting a toll on her character and who she was. Not that he blamed her. He knew how she felt about the count. It was so blatantly obvious, so it was fair that she felt this way. After all, he was involved in taking someone else out of this beautiful world. 

But, he also knew that himself being killed wouldn't make her feel any better. It wouldn't help anyone anymore. Even if he deserved it, it would benefit no one, and he wasn't ready to go anymore. He wasn't going to give up.

"I'm not gonna give up," Dimentio snapped back, thrashing against the ropes. "I'm not going to let you end my game. Not when I just started truly enjoying it!"

"Um, yeah, that's not up to you," Nastasia huffed, crossing her arms, a serious expression on her face, just like the expression she'd always wear. "You know... Merlon said that this hour before it happens is the most brutal for those who are executed because they have to live waiting for it to happen. Their own fears eat them away before the flames do."

He didn't want fire to be dangerous. But how was he supposed to fight this? How was he supposed to not give up when his fate seemed to already be decided for him. Clearly, he needed to try a different approach. 

"Please," Dimentio begged. "I'll do anything! Please! At least tell me he'll be there! Can I at least see him one more time?!" 

"Who?" Nastasia questioned. "Who would someone as low and empty as you want to see? You have NO ONE, Dimentio. You burned any bridges you've ever made. Who could you possibly wish to see?!"

"LUIGI! Can you at least let me see him once more?!" Dimentio begged, still thrashing, tears peaking in the corners of his eyes.

Escape no longer seemed like a likely goal, but maybe he could see the man in green once more. He wasn't giving up but instead reaching for a more achievable goal.

"Luigi?!" Nastasia questioned, before forcing an empty laugh. "HA! Why do you want to see him?! Didn't you kill him? Didn't you use him?"

"Please. At least tell me he's coming. At least tell me I get to see his face one more time! At least tell me I get to be happy one last time!" Dimentio helplessly begged.

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