Chapter 1

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Hello there beautiful creatures,this is chapter 1 of Dream Angst which the book I just make and hope u enjoy this chapter




(...) - Writer speaking/places/time

*...* - Characters P.O.V.

"..." - Characters speaking

'...' - Characters thought


According to Wattpad statistics,a small percent of people who read my story r not following me,so if u end up enjoying reading this chapter,consider following me and u can always unfollow me later (but pls don't) it's free and u can always change ur mind,enjoy the chapter


'I wonder why they didn't kill me yet' I thought and Sam said that I got a visitor which means it's Quackity or someone who wants to get the revival book either


I saw Dream sitting next to the obsidian wall covered in bruises,I noticed that his eyes don't have sparkle anymore,he look at me and look away as soon I look at him,it break my heart that he's just ignoring everyone and let himself get tortured by Quackity every week

"Uhmm...hey Dream,how r u?" 'That's a stupid question I just ask,of course his not doing fine' I thought and look at Dream


" doing great actually" I said and smile a little bit


"What do u mean about that?" I asked shocked


"Well...I feel peace here George and why did u even visit me if ur just gonna ask stupid questions?" I smirk and George drag me outside of the prison and people r staring at us as he bought me to his house

"What the fuck George?!" I said and he hug me like I was gonna go away


"I miss u..." I said and grip to his shirt tighter (is that even a word?) 


I want to cry but I can't,because Lucid (Dream's brother) is going to control me and try to kill George


"Hey uhmm...Dream,do u want to sleep together like we did before?" I asked sweetly and he said yes,we lay on the bed and I fell asleep


George is snuggled on my chest and if I move he will wake up,I just go to sleep and wait for the morning to come


409 words

And that's it for today's chapter and I'll try to post a chapter at the same time on the other story ('Dream Harem' make sure to check it out) I'm working with so I'll see u guys on Tuesday, (I have to wake up early tomorrow because we're going somewhere) bye and have a nice day😊

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