Chapter 5

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Hello there beautiful creatures,I just wanna explain something,so,on my other book, (Dream Harem) I explain about my schedule and I'm going to change it,so I will post a chapter on Tuesday and Thursday on this book and I will post a chapter on Monday,Wednesday and Friday on the other book (Dream Harem) ,so I can only rest for 2 days and that day is Saturday and Sunday,anyways,here's chapter 5,enjoy! 

(...) - Writer speaking/places/time

*...* - Characters P.O.V. (if u didn't know what's a P.O.V. it's characters point of view) 

"..." - Characters speaking

'...' - Characters thought



"SCHLATT,WHAT R U DOING HERE?!" I yelled making Dream shrugged a bit


"Hey Dreamling" I said ignoring Puffy (Schlatt gave Dream a nickname and it's 'Dreamling') 


"Hi papa..." I said and I was still scared because he will hit me when I did something wrong (let me explain something,Puffy and Schlatt isn't Dream's real parents,they just saw Dream on the road all alone and they decided to adopt him,Schlatt become violent when his drunk but he was really nice when it come to Dream,Schlatt accidentally hit Dream when his drunk so Dream is scared if he will do something wrong,oh and,Schlatt is a ghost but I will make him act like a living person like he can touch stuff and move stuff) 

*GhostSchlatt* (I called him that since his a ghost) 

"Can u come here for a minute" I smiled sweetly so he can come next to me,I'm not going to do anything bad to him,I just wanna hang out with him for awhile


I come to his side and he ask if I can hang out with me for awhile,I said yes but mama doesn't want me to hang out with him (I didn't forget about Ranboo okay U-U) 


I grab Dream's arm and Schlatt grab Dream's other arm,I glared at him and let go of Dream

"Just be back when it's night time,and meet me at my house" I said and me and Ranboo said our goodbye to Dream and leave


"Puffy,r u sure u can relay to Schlatt?" I asked and she just nodded so we went to her ship and fix some stuff

(With Schlatt and Dream) 


Me and Dream were playing tag outside my house and I can't chase Dream because his really fast when his running because his been practicing a lot when his going to do a Parkour

When we were running we bumped to (I won't forget about him y'all,I pronounce u) Ghostbur


"Oh hey Schlatt,and...Dream?!" I said and looking at Dream,his skin is pale,his hair is like grey and his holding a book with gold laces (his still holding it like it depends his life on it) 


"Do I know u?" I asked and he said I know him before but I don't seem to remember him at all


"We should go to Puffy's house so we can go to the community house" I said and go towards Puffy's house

(At Puffy's house) 


I was going to cook dinner but I remember we were going to the community house,I eat some steak and pack some stuffs since it's gonna be a long journey to go to the community house, (I don't know if Puffy's house is far to the community house or not because I can't install twitch so I can't watch her streams) I pack some Armour just in case someone or something attack us,some food and g'apples/golden apples

I hear a knock on the door so I open it and I saw Dream, Ghostbur and Schlatt,I get the stuff I pack and we come to the community house

When we get to the community house,we saw Eret and asked if he can call the others (u know like this:*insert name* whisper to you:hello :D) (oh and I'm sorry for the part where Dream killed himself and the narrator said that:Dream burned to death,but it's supposed to be:Dream tried to swim the lava,so I'm very sorry about that and I will correct it later) 

(When everyone is at the community house) 


"Okay everyone,if ur asking why me and Eret called u here,well that's because we have something to tell u something"


"Then what is it mate?" I asked and Puffy look at us like she didn't want to tell us what's happening


" its about Dream" as I said his name,the others look angry"and...his with us but his...dead" I continue and the whole SMP stared at me like I just make a joke out of no where but it's not a joke


"Wha-what do u mean his dead?" I said being scared because 'Dream can't die easily unless he tries to killed himself,but no!, he can't die,a God can't die and Dream is one', I was panicking because if he died then no one will give me advise or said that 'everything is going to be alright' when I'm gonna go time traveling 

(Dream and Karl had been best friends ever since their born,Karl is also a God and his the God of time,Dream always said advise to Karl everytime his gonna go time traveling) 

*Quackity* (why everytime I'm gonna type Quackity's name it's always gonna be like:Quality) 

I come to Karl and hugged him and he started to cry


933 words

Well...i didn't expect this to be a little long,but anyways,if u enjoy reading this chapter then make sure to make the star orange or white and yeah...I'll see u guys next time,bye and have a nice day😊

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