Chapter 4

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Hello there beautiful creatures,so I've been thinking to delete and restart this book but I guess I'll keep writing chapters on this book,anyways,here's chapter 4,enjoy! (Also,art above is not mine,find it on Google)

(...) - Writer speaking/places/time

*...* - Characters P.O.V.

"..." - Characters speaking

'...' - Characters thought


*GhostDre* (I change Dream's name to GhostDre because he's a ghost now and I'll change it back to Dream if he's alive again)

I was walking with Ranboo and he said and we're going to a place called L'manburg and I haven't come there 'I think?'

"Hey boo, (it's a nickname he gave to Ranboo and it reminded him of someone who's very close to him (Dream) ) r we there yet?" I asked and he said it's gonna be only a 5 minutes walk


"Hey dad- I mean Dream,do u remember anything or anyone?" I asked and he said no,I'm a little disappointed that my own dad doesn't even remember me (hold up,let me change something (well not really) ,so Dream is the ender Prince and he found a child and that is Ranboo,he raise Ranboo and Dream become the king of the end while Ranboo become the ender prince,so that explain why Ranboo can teleport but he can't control it sometimes,like when he's going to teleport to his room but teleported to the throne room (I'm talking about the place where u can get the elytra) and Dream ask why he teleport to him,because Dream is on the throne room signing some papers that XD (DreamXD) gave him,and Ranboo said that he teleport there by accident,so that explain why Ranboo called Dream dad all the time because Dream is a father to him,Dream transfer a little blood of his to Ranboo so Ranboo is official Dream's son) 

"We're here" I said and we follow the path coming towards Puffy's ship (since she's a captain) 


"Oh hey Ranboo, do u need something?" I asked and I notice a figure moving behind him


"No,but he needs something from u" I said and move aside Dream so Puffy can see him


"Hi mama" I greeted her and she broke down sobs and hug me, "what's wrong mama?" I asked


"Nothing duckling,mama just missed u" I said and cupped his face by my hands

(This is too cute -ahhhh)


"I missed u too mama" I said and melt to the touch


"Duckling,me and Ranboo r going to talk a little bit okay" I said and place my hat to his head


"Okay!" I said and play with a flower and decide to give it to mama and I'll give boo (Ranboo) a wither rose and a white rose since it match his hair and skin,I didn't know how I got the wither rose but it's just laying on the ground so I grab it carefully so I can't take any damage


"Ranboo,did u tell anyone else about Dream being a ghost?" I asked and he shook his head meaning no,I sigh in relief and we come back to Dream who's holding a regular rose (a red rose),white rose and a wither rose 'how did he get a wither rose out of no where?!' I thought


"For u mama" I said and hand her the red rose "and for u boo!" I said and give him the white rose and the wither rose


"Thanks" I said and grab the roses from Dream and place it neatly on the pocket of my tuxedo,I of course place the wither rose carefully on my pocket so I can't take any damage


"Thank u duckling" I said and pat his head and he grab my hat and place the rose beside it


"Ur welcome mama" I said and I here rustling behind a bush so I back away and mama and boo protect me incase it's a wild animal or someone


"_______,WHAT R U DOING HERE?!" I yelled and back away from _______ while Dream is behind me


716 words

CLIFFHANGER~Haha,its my first time doing a cliffhanger so it isn't that great but if u enjoy reading this,make sure to make the star orange or white and yeah...I'll see u guys next time,bye and have a nice day😊

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