Chapter 2

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Hello there beautiful creatures,in the next chapter,Ranboo is going to visit Dream because Dream is Ranboo's step dad,but what he didn't know is that Dream's already dead (ok so let me explain,Dream found Ranboo in a forest since Ranboo is still a child like 10 years old,Dream raise Ranboo for 9 years and Ranboo is now 19 years old,Dream is a God so he doesn't age every time it's he's birthday,he's age only change when 2 years has passed,so he's 22 now but he should be 30,soon to be 31 years old (I loose many brain cells calculating this,not in a calculator,but in a piece of paper,good thing I learn math if I don't then I won't be able to explain this to u guys) anyways here's chapter 2



(...) - Writer speaking/places/time

*...* - Characters P.O.V.

"..." - Characters speaking

'...' - Characters thought


According to Wattpad statistics only a small percent of people who read my stories r actually following me so if u end up enjoying reading my stories u should follow me it's free and u can always change ur mind,enjoy reading this chapter


I woke up and see that George is not beside me so I leave George house and walk away

I see Karl and he see me,he yelled my name and I run to a forest and try to loose him,I loose Karl and it start raining,I find a cave and come inside as a shelter

I go outside and try to find wood,after I collect some wood,I place the wood down so I can start a bonfire,I don't have a Flint and steel so I took my hand out and green fire come out to it and it lit the woods (just use ur imagination) 

I come a little close to the fire and try to warm myself because I'm all wet collecting woods,I try not fall asleep because if I let my guard down someone or something might attack me but my eyes is very tired and I fell asleep



I was collecting woods then I saw a cave and when I come inside I saw someone sleeping so I get close to get a good look and I saw Dream sleeping,he is indeed beautiful, (this is not a ship,Sam and Dream have a father and son relationship but Dream's real dad is Schlatt) he have dirty blonde hair,he have many scars on his face and I mention that he's wearing a necklace and the gem is emerald (just look at the picture above 👆) (and I'm the one who create it :D) 

I carry him and go back to prison,I gently place him into a sitting position and pull the lever as the lava flow back


I woke up in a obsidian box and I already know where I am,I just talk to Dream XD,Nightmare,Lucid and Daydream

(Dream's mind scape)

Nightmare:"Hello Dreamie" I said and hug Dream

Dream:"Hi Nightmare" I said and hug back

Lucid:"Oh hey Dream" I said and continue reading

Daydream:"Hey Dream!" I said and join the hug

Dream XD:"Night,Day (Daydream) let him go,he can't breathe"

Daydream:"Sorry Dream" I apologize and he said that it's fine

Nightmare:"NO" I said and still hug Dream

Dream XD:"Night,let him go" I said in a strict voice

Nightmare:"I said no,u wanna hear it in Spanish?, NOH!" I said

Lucid:"Let him go,u idiot" I said and try grab Nightmare away from Dream

Nightmare:"I will only let him go if he said it" I said and Lucid is looking at me

Dream XD:"Dream" I said while looking at him

Dream:"Night,let me go" I said 

Nightmare:"Fine" I said and let go

(A few minutes later) 

Daydream:"Hey Dream,someone is coming" I said and Dream come back to reality



I enter Dream's cell and torture him again

"Pathetic" I said and left


I sigh and write on the revival book about how to remove the curses if u get revived

(A few hours later)


I saw Dream covered in bruises so I come inside his cell and cover his wounds

(After that) (Suicide part) 


I had enough,I'm gonna kill myself,but before that let me get the revival book and my mask

This is it,the day I have been waiting for,it was going right like my plan,dethrone George,make my friends hate me,team up with Techno and Wilbur,blow up L'manburg,go to prison and in this day,I will kill myself

I hold the revival book and my mask tighter and jump into the lava

Narrator:Dream tried to swim the lava (0 canon lives) 


801 words

Thats it for today's chapter and if u enjoy reading this make sure to make the star white or orange and yeah...I'll see u guys next time,bye and have a nice day 😊

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